Maria Helena Martinho

My teaching duties ...
Since I joined the University I have been responsible by a more than 30 different Curricular Units at Bachelor, Master and Doctorate levels. According to the UMinho rules, all information, lecture notes, slides and handouts for each Curricular Unit are available from the UMinho elearning platform (with access restricted to the University).

A small selection is publicly available here.

This page lists my most recent teaching duties.

Temas Avançados em Supervisão Pedagógica
Seminar based course for the PhD Programme in Educational Sciences. 2021-22 (team member).
Metodologia do Ensino de Matemática I
5 ECTS MSc course on the Methodology of teaching mathematics. 2021-22 (coordinator).
Metodologia do Ensino de Matemática II
5 ECTS MSc advanced course on the Methodology of teaching mathematics. 2022-23 (coordinator).
Resolução de Problemas em Matemática Elementar
5 ECTS MSc course on problem solving. 2020-21 (coordinator).
Didática da Matemática Elementar
5 ECTS Bac course on patterns and problem solving. 2022-23 (coordinator).
Padrões e Resolução de Problemas
5 ECTS Bac course on patterns and problem solving. 2020-21 (coordinator).
Resolução de Problemas Matemáticos
Course on mathematical problem solving at the Instituto Nacional de Formação de Docentes e Profissionais da Educação , Benguela, Angola, part of a cooperation agreement with UMInho. 2022-23 (coordinator).
Metodologia de Ensino da Geometria e Medida
Course on geometry and measurement taught at the Instituto Nacional de Formação de Docentes e Profissionais da Educação , Benguela, Angola, part of a cooperation agreement with UMInho. 2022-23 (coordinator).
Metodologia de Ensino para o Pensamento Lógico
Course on logic reasoning taught at the Instituto Nacional de Formação de Docentes e Profissionais da Educação , Benguela, Angola, part of a cooperation agreement with UMInho. 2021-22 (coordinator).
Oficina de ensino de Matemática
Workshop on Maths teaching taught at the Instituto Nacional de Formação de Docentes e Profissionais da Educação , Benguela, Angola, part of a cooperation agreement with UMInho. 2021-22 (coordinator).
Aprofundamento em Números e Regularidades para o Ensino Básico
Continuous education course on numbers and regularities, taught on-line for several classes in Portuguese speaking. 2021-22 (coordinator).