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Questionario 1 aula3:Layouts aula1:Alg.Euler


jal AT di DOT uminho DOT pt

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This web page is intended as a stop gap solution to provide some support for SD2 (Sistemas Digitais 2) course. A LESI (Licenciatura em Engenharia de Sistemas e Informática) degree.

Since 2004/2005, we have used Universidade do Minho e-learning platform - Easy™ - as an effective way of providing web based out-of-class support, as well as fostering interaction among students. If you have access into EASY please do so, you will most surely find what you need. If you do not have access yet - you will. Meantime, with the information and downloads available here, you can make do.

You may also visit last year's web site, where the 2005/2006 Program and summaries of SD2 are to be found.

  1. L-edit layout editor in use.

Look here to find the meaning for a VLSI related subject:
suggestion: search for the word  MOS, it will give you many institutions.)