José A. Lima - [ Questionario 1 ]

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Work week 44 the first SD2 Questionaire assignment is proposed to students.

This homework - due on work week 46 (13th - 17th of November) - is to be handed out to the teacher in your lab class of that week.

The homework is a part of the practical evaluation of students attending SD2 lab classes. Others will follow. Not handing it on time, will post you a zero on q1 (questionaire1)!


Allow students to grasp what constitutes a useful and effective MS .chm study guide for "Módulo4 - algoritmo de Euler". Both Sol1 and Sol2 allowed for the addition of hierarchy, presentation restructuring, indexing, content linking and addition of extra infomation to be added to the original "flat" document (shown in .pdf format).
Because, elaborating a .chm of a "Módulo do Guia de Aulas TP de SD2" will be a possible assignment as a "Trabalho Opcional" it is helpful you develop a self awareness of what makes a good solution. Meaning, a support medium and content whose usefulness is improved over the standard text/image book like content presentation (shown in .pdf format).


Rules of Engagement:

The Questionaire specification is here.
Browse/read Pedro Vieira (Sol1) and Óscar Brito (Sol2) .chms;
For each one of the thre situations A, B and C, determine, on your own judgement how good each solution is;
Rank from 0-5 each solution, in a table as follows:
Situation A 0-5 0-5
Situation B 0-5 0-5
Situation C 0-5 0-5
For each one of the six cases, present at least a two paragraph long justification, explaning which features, information, structuring, "whatever" you think relevant, justifies the ranking you chose.
Given the above specification there are no "wrong answers".
Evalution marks are given for consistency of the ranking with the justification, AND inclusion in the justification of each of the six ranks, of at least 3 specific aspects.


What do I have to hand in?

Questinaire size, table included, must in NO case exceed 2 A4 sheets (1.5 spaced, 12pt font);
Name, SA Number and TP at the top.



José A. Lima, Ph.D.