Students should the most important standards and technologies for management of networks and communication services at present time. They must be able to recognize the activities inherent to network management and to be able to choose and to apply the models and technologies most appropriated for the realization of those activities. They must be also able to identify the costs and major limitations of the application of these technologies in several implementation scenarios. There are many practical issues discussed on classrooms, although the role of the concepts defined in current standards are also emphasized. The theoretical classrooms are complemented, in the practical part, with small individual projects of application development or of investigation that serve for experimentation of the most important tools and that should help students to understand and to resolve the most common problems on network and services management of computer networks and communication systems.
1. Motivation, need for standardization of management activities. 2. Architectures: OSI and TMN. 3. INMF/SNMP architecture: - Data Model and communication paradigm; - Standards: SMI and MIBs; - SNMP; - Standards: VACM and USBM 4. Complementary technologies: - Distributed management with DMTF; - Management based on Web protocols; - Management delegation with mobile agents; - Management of services with architectures independent of data models, orientated to management roles and functions; - Policy management and other state of the art technologies. 5. Activities of Network Management: - Configuration (conveyed at various levels); - Monitoring traffic; - Quality of Service; - Algorithms for effective provisioning; - Administrative and Strategic management. 6. TMN architecture: - General concepts; - Logical and Functional models; - Standard Interfaces. 7. Freeware tools: - Ping, Traceroute, NetCat and NetStat; - MRTG, Neo, Nagios and Sysmon; - Oak, TCPDump/Wireshark/Core.
The basic knowledge is passed on theoretical classrooms, with exposition of all subjects from the teacher. These classrooms are complemented by practical classrooms for resolution of theoretical exercises (in the beginning of the course) and then in the effective attendance of classrooms for development of small projects which include management applciations or SNMP agents. The practical works are more complexity by the end of the semester, when more autonomy is demanded from students. The evaluation of the students is done through elements of theoretical evaluation (two written tests and one exam), the evaluation of practical works developed individually or in groups of two, and through continuous evaluation of the participation and commitment from the students during the classrooms.
- Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation, Stephen B. Morris, Addison Wesley, 2003; - SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3 and RMON 1 and 2, William Stallings, Addison-Wesley, 1998; - Network Services Magement Framework, Bruno Dias, PhD Thesis, Universidade do Minho, 2004; - Essential SNMP, 2nd Edition, Douglas Mauro, Kevin Schmidt, O'Reilly, 2003; - Open Source Network Administration, James Kretchmar, Prentice Hall, 2003; - Campus Network Design Fundamentals, Diane Teare, Catherine Paquet, Cisco Press, 2005; - Network Administrators Survival Guide, Anand Deveriya , Cisco Press 2005; - Network Performance Baselining, Daniel J. Nassar, New Riders Publishing, 2000; - Performance and Fault Management, Paul L. Della Maggiora, Christopher E. Elliott, Robert L. Pavone Jr., Kent J. Phelps, James M. Thompson, Cisco Press, 2000; - Network Management, An introduction to principles and practice, M. Subramanian, Addison Wesley, 1999.
The present course aims at providing core background on multiservice networks, promoting knowledge and skills regarding current and emerging protocols to support service integration of applications and services with distinct QoS requirements in TCP/IP networks. The expectable competences are the following: - To understand the need for service integration and discuss the problem of QoS support in TCP/IP networks; - To define and monitor relevant QoS metrics per service; - To evaluate the behaviour and use of QoS control mechanisms; - To understand, explain and exemplify current QoS architectures; - To identify, understand and select adequate transport protocols based on the characteristics of applications and user services; - To identify, understand and choose the main signalling and resource reservation solutions for TCP/IP networks.
- Service integration: motivation and principles; - Quality of Service (QoS): principles, parameters and metrics; QoS monitoring; QoS control mechanisms; QoS models; - Service contracts; specification, configuration and management of services; - Advanced transport services; - Resource reservation and signaling protocols.
The theoretical component is structured in a set of modules covering the topics described in the syllabus. The theoretical lectures will also include an interactive component promoting the debate of research work in related fields. The practical component may assume different perspectives depending on the characteristics of the corresponding theoretical module, namely: (i) analysis and debate on representative network technologies and protocols as case studies; and (ii) specific experiments in the computer communications laboratory. The assessment method is based on a written exam covering the full programme and on periodic essays reporting of the laboratory experiments.
- Sanjay Jha, Mahbub Hassan, "Engineering Internet QoS", Artech House Inc., ISBN-13: 978-1580533416, August 2002. - G.Armitage, "Quality of service in IP networks : foundations for a Multi-Service Internet",Sams, ISBN-13:9781578701896, April 2000. - Z. Wang, "Internet QoS: Architectures and Mechanisms for Quality of Service", The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking, ISBN-13: 978-1558606081, March 2001. - Colin Perkins, "RTP: Audio and Video for the Internet", Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN-13:9780672322495, June 2003. - A. Johnston, "SIP: Understanding the Session Initiation Protocol",Artech House Publishers; ISBN-13: 9781607839958, 3rd edition, September 2009. - Olivier Hersent, Jean-Pierre Petit, David Gurle, "IP Telephony: Deploying Voice-over-IP Protocols", John Wiley & Sons, ISBN-13: 978-0470023594, March 2005.
Understand the principles, techniques and algorithms used for representation, compression, retrieval and processing of multimedia content;know the different technologies to support networking applications and systems.
Multimedia systems and services. Multimedia representation, compression, processing classification and retrieval. Models and algorithms for content-based networking. Multimedia Networking. Multimedia networking applications and services.
The instructor teaches his module with expositive theoretical classes, pratical classes with pencil and exercises, simple programmation problems and essays with specific software and hardware. For students evaluation, there are formative and summative assessment. Beyond tradtional approaches, writing and oral skills are also evaluated.
Mrinal Kr. Mandal, Multimedia Signals and Systems, Kluwer, 2001 F. Halsall, Multimedia Communications: App., Networks, Protocols and Standards, Addison-Wesley, 2000. Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich Schütze, Introduction to Information Retrieval, Cambridge University Press. 2008.
a) Understand and explain the theoretical concepts that support the main networking technologies (b) Give examples and discuss the use of technologies in different scenarios of network interconnections (c) Identify, discuss and configure the main routing protocols in IP networks (v4/v6), either for intra and interAutonomous Systems interconnections (d) Understand and explain the principles of mobility in IP networks (v4/v6), and analyze and configure mobility solutions
1. Technologies for Access and Core Networks, Access Networks Metropolitan and Long Distance Networks Architecture Planning of Core Networks 2. Optical networks Technologies and Components of Optical Networks SONET / SDH and other Digital Hierarchies Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) in Optical Networks Optical Transport Networks (OTN) 3. Network Interconnections Internal and External Routing Protocols Unicast and multicast routing Network interconnections with IPv6 IPv6 Integration and Transition mechanisms 4. Mobility and Mobility Protocols for IP Networks IP Mobility (IPv4 and IPv6) Handoff Mobility solutions Mobility in Multihoming Context
The theoretical matters are presented and discussed with students in typical weekly contact periods of 50min (theoretical classes). Each class will include short periods of discussion where students can comment on the submitted materials and ask questions. The theoretical classes are complemented by another component of practical classes. Students are subject to continuous evaluation, according to the interest shown and the theoretical acquisitions and practical work developed. The final component integrates theoretical assessment with 60% weight, components of practical assessment with a weight of 40%.
– A. Gumaste and Tony Antony, ”First Mile Access Networks and Enabling Technologies”, Cisco Press, 2004 – Glen Kramer, ”Ethernet Passive Optical Networks”, McGraw-Hill Communications Engineering, 2005 – R. Ramaswami, K. Sivarajan, G. Sasaki, ”Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective”, 3rd Ed, Elsevier Inc., 2010 – Ravi Malhotra, ”IP Routing”, Publisher: O’Reilly, 2002 – Silvia Hagen, ”IPv6 Essentials”, OReilly, 2006 – H. Soliman, ”Mobile IPv6 - Mobility in a wireless Internet”, Addison-Wesley, 2004.