UMinho Haskell Libraries (1.0)ContentsIndex
Portability portable
Stability experimental
Java specific.
Import maps.
For parsing
Helper funcions for call graph generation
getMethodName :: (Monad m, Term t) => t -> m Identifier
qname2str :: Name -> String
packDecl2ident :: Maybe PackageDeclaration -> String
breakCls :: Identifier -> [Identifier]
getDeclaredImports :: CompilationUnit -> [ChaseName]
type ImportMap = FiniteMap Identifier Identifier
mkImportMap :: [Identifier] -> ImportMap
defaultImportMap :: ImportMap
maybeResolve :: ImportMap -> Identifier -> Identifier -> Identifier
isQualified :: Identifier -> Bool
resolveWithImportMap :: ImportMap -> Identifier -> Identifier -> Identifier
interfaces142 :: [Identifier]
classes142 :: [Identifier]
exceptions142 :: [Identifier]
errors142 :: [Identifier]
sepWith :: a -> [a] -> [a]
breakWith :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
breakFile :: FilePath -> [String]
breakPath :: String -> [FilePath]
javaTable :: String
getParameterTypes :: [FormalParameter] -> [String]
type2str :: Type -> String
primitive2str :: PrimitiveType -> String
name2str :: Name -> String
sepname :: Name -> ([String], String)
Java specific.
getMethodName :: (Monad m, Term t) => t -> m Identifier
Extract method name from its header
qname2str :: Name -> String
Fully qualified class name as string
packDecl2ident :: Maybe PackageDeclaration -> String
Convert a package declaration to a String.
breakCls :: Identifier -> [Identifier]
Break Java class name into identifier segments.
getDeclaredImports :: CompilationUnit -> [ChaseName]
Extract all imported class names from a compilation unit.
Import maps.
type ImportMap = FiniteMap Identifier Identifier
The type of import maps. An import map maps identifiers to fully qualified identifiers.
mkImportMap :: [Identifier] -> ImportMap
Create the import map for a given list of imported classes.
defaultImportMap :: ImportMap
Captures the built-in scope (java.lang).
maybeResolve :: ImportMap -> Identifier -> Identifier -> Identifier
Turn an identifier into a qualified one based on the given import map, and the name of the current package. If the identifier is qualified already do nothing.
isQualified :: Identifier -> Bool
Determine whether a given class name is fully qualified.
resolveWithImportMap :: ImportMap -> Identifier -> Identifier -> Identifier
Turn a non-qualified identifier into a qualified one based on the given import map, and the name of the current package.
interfaces142 :: [Identifier]
Interfaces predefined in package java.lang in JDK 1.4.2.
classes142 :: [Identifier]
Classes predefined in package java.lang in JDK 1.4.2.
exceptions142 :: [Identifier]
Exceptions predefined in package java.lang in JDK 1.4.2.
errors142 :: [Identifier]
Errors predefined in package java.lang in JDK 1.4.2.
sepWith :: a -> [a] -> [a]
Insert separators into a list.
breakWith :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
Break a list into segments, using a predicate on elements to indicate break points. The break points themselves will be discarded.
breakFile :: FilePath -> [String]
Break a file name into its segments, i.e. the pieces between slashes.
breakPath :: String -> [FilePath]
Break path argument into directory names. i.e. the pieces between colons.
For parsing
javaTable :: String
Helper funcions for call graph generation
getParameterTypes :: [FormalParameter] -> [String]
Function to determine the types of arguments in a function declaration.
type2str :: Type -> String
primitive2str :: PrimitiveType -> String
name2str :: Name -> String
sepname :: Name -> ([String], String)
Produced by Haddock version 0.6