UMinho Haskell Libraries (1.0)ContentsIndex
Portability portable
Stability experimental
Maintainer Joćo Saraiva -
Access functions
Simple queries on grammars
Advanced queries on grammars
Check the category in which the grammar falls.
Representing Context-free Grammars in Haskell
data Cfg t nt = Cfg {
terminals :: [Symb t nt]
nonterminals :: [Symb t nt]
root :: (Symb t nt)
prods :: [Prod t nt]
cfg2dotGraph :: (Eq t, Eq nt, Show t, Show nt) => Cfg t nt -> String
cfg2dotList :: (Eq t, Eq nt, Show t, Show nt) => Cfg t nt -> String
type RHS t nt = [Symb t nt]
type Prod t nt = (ProdName, [Symb t nt])
type ProdName = String
data Symb t nt
= Dollar
| Root
| T t
| NT nt
(|->) :: a -> [a] -> [a]
prods2cfg :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => [Prod t nt] -> nt -> Cfg t nt
get_terminals :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => [Prod t nt] -> [Symb t nt]
get_nonterminals :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => [Prod t nt] -> [Symb t nt]
lhs_prod :: [Symb t nt] -> Symb t nt
rhs_prod :: [Symb t nt] -> RHS t nt
sizeProd :: [Symb t nt] -> Int
is_terminal :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Symb t nt -> Cfg t nt -> Bool
prods_nt :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> Symb t nt -> [[Symb t nt]]
rhs_nt :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> Symb t nt -> [RHS t nt]
rhs_with_nt :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> Symb t nt -> [RHS t nt]
prods_rhs_with_nt :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> Symb t nt -> [[Symb t nt]]
elemNT :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Symb t nt -> RHS t nt -> Bool
nullable :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> [Symb t nt] -> Bool
nullable_nt' :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> Symb t nt -> Bool
nullable_nt :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> Symb t nt -> Bool
first :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> RHS t nt -> [Symb t nt]
first_N :: (Eq nt, Eq t) => Cfg t nt -> Symb t nt -> [Symb t nt]
first' :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> RHS t nt -> [Symb t nt]
follow :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> Symb t nt -> [Symb t nt]
follow' :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> Symb t nt -> [Symb t nt]
follow_prods_with_nt :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> Symb t nt -> [[Symb t nt]] -> [Symb t nt]
suffices_after_sy :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> Symb t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> [Symb t nt]
f :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> Symb t nt -> RHS t nt -> [Symb t nt]
lookahead :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> [Symb t nt]
all_lookaheads :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> [[Symb t nt]]
lookaheads_nt :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> nt -> [[Symb t nt]]
ll_1_nt :: (Eq nt, Eq t) => Cfg t nt -> Symb t nt -> Bool
ll_1 :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> Bool
data Cfg t nt
The type of Context Free Grammars. A production is modeled as a list of symbols, where the head of the list models the LHS and the tail models the RHS.
terminals :: [Symb t nt]Set of Terminal Symbols
nonterminals :: [Symb t nt]Set of Nonterminal Symbols
root :: (Symb t nt)Root Symbol
prods :: [Prod t nt]Set of (named) productions
??? nt t => Show (Cfg t nt)
cfg2dotGraph :: (Eq t, Eq nt, Show t, Show nt) => Cfg t nt -> String
cfg2dotList :: (Eq t, Eq nt, Show t, Show nt) => Cfg t nt -> String
type RHS t nt = [Symb t nt]
type Prod t nt = (ProdName, [Symb t nt])
type ProdName = String
data Symb t nt
DollarEnd of input
RootRoot symbol
T tTerminal symbol
NT ntNon-terminal symbol
(Eq nt, Eq t) => Eq (Symb t nt)
(Ord nt, Ord t) => Ord (Symb t nt)
(Show nt, Show t) => Show (Symb t nt)
(Read nt, Read t) => Read (Symb t nt)
(|->) :: a -> [a] -> [a]
To make the notation of the grammars as similar to BNF as possible we define an infix operator to denote the usual 'derives to' operator
prods2cfg :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => [Prod t nt] -> nt -> Cfg t nt
Complete a list of productions to a well-formed grammar.
get_terminals :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => [Prod t nt] -> [Symb t nt]
Compute the list of terminals from a list of productions.
get_nonterminals :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => [Prod t nt] -> [Symb t nt]
Compute the list of non-terminals from a list of productions.
Access functions
lhs_prod :: [Symb t nt] -> Symb t nt
The left-hand side and th right-hand side of a prodution are easily defined by the head and tail functions
rhs_prod :: [Symb t nt] -> RHS t nt
Simple queries on grammars
sizeProd :: [Symb t nt] -> Int
Computes the length of a prodution: the number of symbols on its right-hand side
is_terminal :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Symb t nt -> Cfg t nt -> Bool
Checks whether a terminal is declared as such in a grammar
prods_nt :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> Symb t nt -> [[Symb t nt]]
Selects the productions from a Cfg that have a common given non-terminal as left-hand side.
rhs_nt :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> Symb t nt -> [RHS t nt]
Selects the produtions RHSs from a Cfg that have a common given non-terminal as left-hand side.
rhs_with_nt :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> Symb t nt -> [RHS t nt]
Selects the produtions RHSs from a Cfg that have a common given non-terminal in the right-hand side.
prods_rhs_with_nt :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> Symb t nt -> [[Symb t nt]]
Selects the productions from a Cfg that have a common given non-terminal as right-hand side.
elemNT :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Symb t nt -> RHS t nt -> Bool
Advanced queries on grammars
:: (Eq t, Eq nt)
=> Cfg t ntGrammar
-> [Symb t nt]Accumulator: non-terminals visited so far.
-> [Symb t nt]List of grammar symbols (from RHS)
-> Bool
Verifies whther a sequence of symbols derives in the empty strig or not.
nullable_nt' :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> Symb t nt -> Bool
nullable_nt :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> Symb t nt -> Bool
:: (Eq t, Eq nt)
=> Cfg t ntGrammar
-> RHS t ntSequence of grammar symbols
-> [Symb t nt]first set
Computes the set of terminal symbols that begin the strings derived from the given sequence of symbols
:: (Eq nt, Eq t)
=> Cfg t ntGrammar
-> Symb t ntNonterminal symbol
-> [Symb t nt]first set
Computes the set of terminal symbols that begin the strings derived from the given nonterminal symbol
first' :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> RHS t nt -> [Symb t nt]
:: (Eq t, Eq nt)
=> Cfg t ntGrammar
-> Symb t ntNonterminal symbol
-> [Symb t nt]follow set
Computes the set of terminal symbols that can appear immediately to the right of a given nonterminal symbol in some sentential form
follow' :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> Symb t nt -> [Symb t nt]
follow_prods_with_nt :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> Symb t nt -> [[Symb t nt]] -> [Symb t nt]
suffices_after_sy :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> Symb t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> [Symb t nt]
f :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> [Symb t nt] -> Symb t nt -> RHS t nt -> [Symb t nt]
:: (Eq t, Eq nt)
=> Cfg t ntGrammar
-> [Symb t nt]Production
-> [Symb t nt]lookahead set
Computes the set of terminal symbols that begins the strings derived from the given production
:: (Eq t, Eq nt)
=> Cfg t ntGrammar
-> [[Symb t nt]]Sequence of lookahead set
:: (Eq t, Eq nt)
=> Cfg t ntGrammar
-> ntNonterminal symbol
-> [[Symb t nt]]Sequence of lookahead set
Computes the lookahead set of a nonterminal symbols, that is the union of the lookaheads of the productions with this nonterminal symbol as lhs
Check the category in which the grammar falls.
:: (Eq nt, Eq t)
=> Cfg t ntGrammar
-> Symb t ntNonterminal symbol
-> Bool
Verifies whether the given non-terminal verifies the LL(1) condition or not.
ll_1 :: (Eq t, Eq nt) => Cfg t nt -> Bool
Verifies whether a grammar verifies the LL(1) condition or not.
Produced by Haddock version 0.6