UMinho Haskell Libraries (1.0)ContentsIndex
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Stability experimental
Maintainer jba @ di . uminho . pt
A module for handling Terms, Variables and Substitutions.
class Eq a => TermLanguage t s a | t -> s where
varT :: a -> t a
varsIn :: t a -> [a]
appS :: s a t -> t a -> t a
nullS :: s a t
unitS :: a -> t a -> s a t
compS :: s a t -> s a t -> s a t
domS :: s a t -> [a]
unifyT :: t a -> t a -> Maybe (s a t)
matchT :: t a -> t a -> Maybe (s a t)
vRngS :: TermLanguage t s a => s a t -> [a]
isIdempotentS :: TermLanguage t s a => s a t -> Bool
isInstanceOfT :: TermLanguage t s a => t a -> t a -> Bool
class Eq a => TermLanguage t s a | t -> s where

A class that handle terms (t a) with variables (a) and the associated notion of substitution (s a t).

Note that a has kind *, t has kind *->* and s has kind *->*->*.

varT :: a -> t a
Build a term from a variable
varsIn :: t a -> [a]
Vars in a term
appS :: s a t -> t a -> t a
Applies a substitution to a term
nullS :: s a t
Null Substitution
unitS :: a -> t a -> s a t
Singleton substitution
compS :: s a t -> s a t -> s a t
Composition of two substitutions
domS :: s a t -> [a]
Gets the Domain of a substitution
unifyT :: t a -> t a -> Maybe (s a t)
unifyT t1 t2 computes the most general unifier for terms t1 and t2 (if it exists). That is, if unify t1 t2 returns Just s then (appS s t1)==(appS s t2) and, for every substitution s1 that equalizes both terms, it factors through s (i.e. exists s2 such that s1==comp s s2).
matchT :: t a -> t a -> Maybe (s a t)
matchT t1 t2 computes the matcher substitution for terms t1 and t2 (if it exists). That is, if match t1 t2 returns Just s then (appS s t1)==t2.
AutoTermLanguage t a => TermLanguage t Subst a
vRngS :: TermLanguage t s a => s a t -> [a]

(s2 @@ s1) returns the substitution s2 AFTER s1. It is the infix operator for substitution composition. However, remember that the arguments are swaped when compared with compS, that is compS s1 s2==s2 s1

Get all vars in the range of a substitution.

isIdempotentS :: TermLanguage t s a => s a t -> Bool
isIdempotentS s checks if s is an idempotent substitution.
isInstanceOfT :: TermLanguage t s a => t a -> t a -> Bool
isInstanceOfT t1 t2 checks if t1 is an instance of t2.
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