Full Professor / Professor Catedrático
Departamento de Informática
I am the main author of the book entitled Requirements in Engineering Projects, published by Springer, in its Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering series, 2016. Uma versão do livro em língua portuguesa (grafia Brasileira) está disponível nas bancas: Requisitos em Projetos de Software e de Sistemas de Informação, publicado pela editora Novatec. I am the author of the book entitled Essentials of computing systems, published by UMinho Editora, 2022. I am looking for highly-motivated graduate students interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in Software Engineering. I was member of the team that developed DIABO, a web logistics platform developed for Bosch. DIABO was awarded the Excellence Prize for Academia 2022 by APLOG, the portuguese association for logistics. I was member of the team that developed iFlow, a web logistics platform developed for Bosch. iFlow was awarded the Excellence Prize 2016 by APLOG and was among the last-6 candidates for the European Logistics Association 2017 Award.
I have already organized the following international conferences:
I am currently / was recently PC member of: My research indicators: h-index:27, g-index:42, Erdős number:4 ( - Pedro Diniz - Oscar Ibarra - Shlomo Moran - Paul Erdős)