%--------------------------------------------------------------------------% % prh.bib % % base de dados bibliografiaca em formato BibTex % % % % Versao: prh.bib 1.15 92/04/14 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------% @string{ McG = "McGraw-Hill" } @string{ mit = "The MIT Press" } @string{ nh = "North-Holland" } @string{ aw = "Addison-Wesley" } @string{ sv = "Springer-Verlag" } @string{ ph = "Prentice Hall" } @string{ jws = "John Wiley \& Sons" } @string{ jw = "John Wiley" } @string{ cup = "Cambridge University Press" } @string{ dp = "Digital Press" } @string{ acm = "ACM" } @string{ lncs = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" } @string{ appia = "Associa\c{c}\~ao Portuguesa Para a Intelig\^encia Artificial"} @string{ um = "Universidade do Minho" } @string{ gdcc = "G.D. Ci\^encias da Computa\c{c}\~ao, D.I./ Univ. Minho" } @string{ lund = "Dep. of Computer Science, Lund Institute of Technology" } @string{ laas = "LAAS: Laboratoire d'Automatique et d'Analyse des Systemes du CNRS" } @string{ gmd = "Gesellschaft fur Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung an der Universitaet Karlsruhe" } @string{ eth = "Institut fur Informatik, ETH Zurich" } @string{ Jan = "Janeiro" } @string{ Feb = "Fevereiro" } @string{ Mar = "Mar\c{c}o" } @string{ Apr = "Abril" } @string{ May = "Maio" } @string{ Jun = "Junho" } @string{ Jul = "Julho" } @string{ Aug = "Agosto" } @string{ Sep = "Setembro" } @string{ Oct = "Outubro" } @string{ Nov = "Novembro" } @string{ Dec = "Dezembro" } @techreport{BW83a, author = "Manfred Broy and Martin Wirsing", title = "Generalized Heterogeneous Algebras and Partial Interpretations", year = 1983, month = Feb, institution = "Institut fur Informatik, TUM", note = "(draft version)", annote = "espec algebrica" } @inbook{Val90a, author = "Jos\'e M. Valen\c{c}a", title = "Processos, {O}bjectos e {C}omunica\c{c}\~ao ({O}p\c{c}\~ao I - {MCC})", chapter = 2, year = 1990, month = Oct, publisher = gdcc, address = um, annote = "programacao oobjectos, proc comunicantes, espec formal" } @inbook{Val87a, author = "Jos\'e M. Valen\c{c}a", title = "Algor\'{\i}tmos", chapter = 1, year = 1987, month = Oct, publisher = gdcc, address = um, annote = "algoritmos, espec formal" } @book{Oli91a, author = "Jos\'e Nuno Oliveira", title = "Especifica\c{c}\~ao \& {S}em\^antica", year = 1991, month = Oct, edition = "2.st", publisher = "Departamento de Inform\'atica, Univ. do Minho", annote = "espec formal, algebrica, denotacional, axiomatica" } @book{Sto77a, author = "J. E. Stoy", title = "Denotational {S}emantics: the {S}cott-{S}trachey approach to programming language theory", year = 1977, publisher = "{MIT} Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts", annote = "espec formal, algebrica, denotacional, axiomatica" } @phdthesis{Mos75a, author = "P. D. Mosses", title = "Mathematical Semantics and Compiler Generation", year = 1975, school = "Oxford University", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog" } @techreport{Sco71a, author = "D. S. Scott", title = "Outline of a mathematical theory of computation", type = "Technical Monograph", year = 1971, institution = "Programming Research Group, Oxford Univ.", number = "T.M. PRG-2", annote = "compilacao, sintaxe, parsing, modular" } @article{NF89a, author = "Tim Nicholson and Normann Foo", title = "A Denotational Semantics for {PROLOG}", journal = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems", year = 1989, month = Oct, volume = 11, number = 4, pages = "650-665", publisher = acm, annote = "semantica denotacional, prog logica" } @inproceedings{Hol87a, author = "Niklas Holsti", title = "Incremental Interaction by Syntax Transformation", booktitle = "Compiler Compilers and Incremental Compilation -- Proc. of the Workshop, Bautzen", pages = "192--210", year = 1986, month = Oct, publisher = "Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Institut {f\"ur} Informatik und Rechentechnik", annote = "compilacao incremental, ambientes prog" } @book{Guy90a, author = "Guy L. Steele", title = "Common {L}isp -- The {L}anguage", edition = "Second edition", year = 1990, publisher = dp, annote = "prog funcional, linguangens" } @book{citeulike:1033375, abstract = {This book provides the foundation for understanding the theory and pracitce of compilers. Revised and updated, it reflects the current state of compilation. Every chapter has been completely revised to reflect developments in software engineering, programming languages, and computer architecture that have occurred since 1986, when the last edition published. The authors, recognizing that few readers will ever go on to construct a compiler, retain their focus on the broader set of problems faced in software design and software development. Computer scientists, developers, and aspiring students that want to learn how to build, maintain, and execute a compiler for a major programming language.}, author = {Aho, Alfred V. and Lam, Monica S. and Sethi, Ravi and Ullman, Jeffrey D. }, citeulike-article-id = {1033375}, howpublished = {Hardcover}, isbn = {0321486811}, keywords = {compiler, extensible-syntax, parsing}, month = {August}, posted-at = {2007-01-10 13:20:52}, priority = {2}, publisher = {{Addison Wesley}}, title = {Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (2nd Edition)}, url = {http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=citeulike09-20\&path=ASIN/0321486811}, year = {2006} } @book{ASU86a, author = "A. V. Aho and R. Sethi and J. D. Ullman", title = "Compilers Principles, Techniques and Tools", year = 1986, publisher = aw, annote = "compilacao" } @book{KR88a, author = "Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie", title ="The C Programming Language", year = 1988, publisher = ph } @phdthesis{Bou84a, author = "Pierre Boullier", title = "Contribution \`a la Construction Automatique d'Analyseur Lexicographiques et Syntaxiques", year = 1984, school = "Universit\'e d'Orleans", annote = "compilacao, parsing, sintaxe, trat erros" } @phdthesis{Pug88a, author = "William W. Pugh", title = "Incremental Computation and Incremental Evaluation of Function Programs", year = 1988, school = "Cornell Univ., Dep. of Computer Science", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog" } @article{RMT86a, author = "Thomas Reps and Carla Marceau and Tim Teitelbaum ", title = "Remote Attribute Updating for Language-based Editors", journal = "Communications of the ACM", year = 1986, month = Sep, publisher = acm, annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog" } @techreport{Rep92a, author = "Thomas Reps", title = "Scan Grammars: Parallel Attribute Evaluation Via Data-Parallelism", year = 1992, month = Nov, type = "Research Report", institution = "University of Wisconsin - Madison", } @book{RT89b, author = "Thomas Reps and Tim Teitelbaum", title = "The Synthesizer Generator Reference Manual", series = "Texts and Monographs in Computer Science", year = 1989, publisher = sv, annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog" } @book{RT89a, author = "Thomas Reps and Tim Teitelbaum", title = "The Synthesizer Generator: A System for Constructing Language-Based Editors", series = "Texts and Monographs in Computer Science", year = 1989, publisher = sv, annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog" } @article{RTD83a, author = "Thomas Reps and Tim Teitelbaum and A. Demers", title = "Incremental Context-Dependent Analysis for Language-based Editors", journal = "ACM Trans. Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS)", pages = "449--477", year = 1983, volume = 5, number = 3, publisher = acm, annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog" } @phdthesis{Rep82a, author = "Thomas Reps", title = "Generating Language-Based Environments", year = 1982, school = "Cornell University", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog" } @article{TR81a, author = "Tim Teitelbaum and Thomas Reps", title = "The Cornell Program Synthesizer: A Syntax-Directed Programming Environment", journal = "Communications of the ACM", year = 1981, month = Sep, volume = 24, number = 9, publisher = acm, annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog" } @phdthesis{Hoo87a, author = "Roger Hoover", title = "Incremental Graph Evaluation", year = 1987, month = May, school = "Cornell University", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog" } @inproceedings{JG82a, author = "Fahimeh Jalili and Jean Gallier", title = "Building Friendly Parsers", booktitle = "9th Annual ACM Symp. on Principles of Programming Languages", pages = "196--206", year = 1982, publisher = acm, annote = "compilacao, parsing, sintaxe" } @article{Jal85a, author = "Fahimeh Jalili", title = "A General Incremental Evaluator for Attribute Grammars", journal = "Science of Computer Programming", pages = "83--96", year = 1985, volume = 5, publisher = nh, annote = "atributos, compilacao incremental" } @book{Rev85a, author = "G. E. Rev\'esz", title = "Introduction to Formal Languages", year = 1985, publisher = "McGraw -Hill Book Co.", annote = "linguagem formal, gramaticas" } @book{Hun87a, author = "Robin Hunter", title = "Compiladores: sua Concep\c{c}\~{a}o e Programa\c{c}\~ao em Pascal", year = 1987, series = "Colec\c{c}\~ao Sistemas", publisher = "Editorial Presen\c{c}a", annote = "compilacao" } @book{Lee89a , author = "Peter Lee", title = "Realistic Compiler Generation", year = 1989, publisher = mit, annote = "compilacao, geradores, espec formal, semantica denotacional" } @book{RM89a, author = "P. Rechenberg and H. {M\"ossenb\"ock}", title = "A Compiler Generator For Microcomputers", year = 1989, publisher = ph, annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores" } @phdthesis{Fed91a, author = "Carine Fedele ", title = "Construction automatis\'ee des compilateurs: le syst\`eme {CIGALE}", year = 1991, month = Jan, school = "Universit\'e de Nice -- Sophia Antipolis", annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores" } @unpublished{FL88a, author = "Carine Fedele and Olivier Lecarme", title = "Towards a Toolkit for Building Language Implementations", year = 1988, note = "Universit\'e de Nice- Sophia Antipolis", annote = "compilacao, geradores" } @unpublished{FL90a, author = "Carine Fedele and Olivier Lecarme", title = "Computer-Aided Building of a Compiler: an Example", year = 1990, note = "Universit\'e de Nice- Sophia Antipolis", annote = "compilacao, geradores" } @article{Nau63a, author = "P. Naur", title = "Revised Report on the Algorithmic language ALGOL 60", journal = "Comunication of the ACM", pages = "1-17", year = 1963, volume = 6, number = 1, publisher = acm, annote = "compilacao, linguagem, gramaticas" } @inproceedings{KK90a, author = "E. Klein and K. Koskimies", title = "Parallel {O}ne-{P}ass {C}ompilation", booktitle = "WAGA-90", editor = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan", pages = "76--90", year = 1990, month = Sep, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 461", annote = "compilacao, parsing, atributos, incremental, concurrencia" } @techreport{Kos89b, author = "Kai Koskimies", title = "Techniques for Modular Language Implementation", type = "Research Report", year = 1989, institution = "Univ. of Tampere, Depart. of Computer Science", number = "A-1989-5", annote = "compilacao, sintaxe, parsing, modular" } @techreport{Kos89a, author = "Kai Koskimies", title = "Lazy Recursive Descent Parsing for Modular Language Implementation", type = "Research Report", year = 1989, institution = "Gesellschaft fur Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH", number = "Arbeitspapiere der GMD 376", annote = "compilacao, sintaxe, parsing, modular" } @phdthesis{Paa91a, author = "Jukka Paakki", title = "Paradigms for {A}ttribute-{G}rammar-based {L}anguage {I}mplementation", year = 1991, month = Mar, school = "Dep. of Computer Science, University of Helsinki", annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores, paradigmas prog" } @techreport{KELP88a, author = "Kai Koskimies and T. Elomaa and T. Lehtonen and J. Paakki", title = "TOOLS/HLP84 Report and User Manual", type = "Research Report", year = 1988, institution = "Univ. of Helsinki, Depart. of Computer Science", number = "A-1988-2", annote = "compilacao, geradores, atributos, oobjectos" } @techreport{KP87a, author = "Kai Koskimies and Jukka Paakki", title = "TOOLS: An Unifying Approach to Object-Oriented Language Interpretation", type = "Research Report", year = 1987, institution = "Univ. of Helsinki, Depart. of Computer Science", note = "(draft)", annote = "compilacao, geradores, atributos, oobjectos" } @techreport{KNPS86a, author = "Kai Koskimies and O. Nurmi and J. Paakki and S. Sippu", title = "The Design of the Language Processor Generator HLP84", type = "Techn. Report", year = 1986, institution = "Univ. of Helsinki, Depart. of Computer Science", number = "A-1986-4", annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores" } @article{Kos85a, author = "Kai Koskimies", title = "A Note on One-Pass Evaluation of Attribute Grammars", journal = "{BIT}", pages = "439-450", year = 1985, volume = 25, publisher = nh, annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @article{KR83a, author = "Kai Koskimies and Kari-Jouko {R\"aih\"a}", title = "Modelling of Space-efficient One-pass Translation using Attribute Grammars", journal = "Software---Practice and Experience", pages = "119--129", year = 1983, volume = 13, publisher = jws, annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @unpublished{Vil92a, author = "Jaak Vilo", title = "Attribute {G}rammars and {C}omputational {M}odels as combined {L}anguage {D}evelopment {T}ools", year = 1992, note = "Dep. of Computer Science, Univ. Helsinki", annote = "compilacao, atributos, gramaticas, linguagens" } @article{Tyu91a, author = "E. Tyugu", title = "Three {N}ew-{G}eneration {S}oftware {E}nvironments", journal = "Communications of ACM", year = 1991, month = Jun, volume = 34, number = 6, publisher = acm, annote = "representacao, bases conhecimento, ia, ambientes prog" } @article{Knu68a, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "Semantics of Context-Free Languages", journal = "Mathematical Systems Theory", pages = "127--145", year = 1968, volume = 2, number = 2, publisher = sv, annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @inproceedings{Tie80a, author = "Martti Tienari", title = "On the Definition of an Attribute Grammar", booktitle = "Semantics-Directed Compiler Generation", editor = "Neil D. Jones", pages = "408--414", year = 1980, month = Jan, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 94", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @techreport{CD87a, author = "B. Courcelle and P. Deransart", title = "Proofs for Partial Correctness for Attribute Grammars with Applications to Recursive Procedures and Logic Programming", year = 1987, month = Jan, institution = "Univ. de Bordeaux I, U.E.R. de Math\'ematiques et Informatiques", number = "I-8702", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @article{CFZ82a, author = "B. Courcelle and P. Franchi-Zannettacci", title = "Attribute Grammars and Recursive Program Schemes", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science", pages = "163--191 and 235--257", year = 1982, volume = 17, publisher = nh, annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @techreport{CFZ80a, author = "B. Courcelle and P. Franchi-Zannettacci", title = "Attribute Grammars and Recursive Program Schemes", type = "rapport de recherche", year = 1980, month = Apr, institution = "Univ. de Bordeaux I", number = "8008", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @techreport{Der88a, author = "P. Deransart ", title = "On the Multiplicity of Operational Semantics for Logic Programming and their Modelization by Attribute Grammars", type = "Rapport de Recherche", year = 1988, month = Oct, institution = "INRIA, Rocquencourt", number = "916", annote = "compilacao, atributos, prog logica" } @book{Der87a, author = "P. Deransart ", editor = "David Gries", title = "Cours de Compilation Avanc\'ee", year = 1987, series = "Maitrise d'Informatique", publisher = "Univ. de Paris 7", annote = "compilacao" } @phdthesis{Der84a, author = "Pierre Deransart", title = "Validation des Grammaires d'Attributs", year = 1984, month = Oct, school = "Universit\'e de Bordeaux I", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @techreport{DF86a, author = "P. Deransart and G. Ferrand", title = "Initiation a Prolog: Concepts de Base", type = "Support de Cours", year = 1986, month = Jun, institution = "Universit\'e d'Orleans, Dep. de Math\'ematiques et Informatique", number = "86-2", annote = "prog logica" } @techreport{DM85a, author = "P. Deransart and J. Maluszynski", title = "Relating Logic Programs and Attribute Grammars", year = 1985, type = "Rapport de Recherche", month = Apr, institution = "INRIA, Rocquencourt", number = "393", annote = "compilacao, atributos, prog logica" } @incollection{DJB88a, author = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan and B. Lorho", title = "Attribute Grammars: Main Results, Existing Systems and Bibliography", booktitle = "LNCS 341", year = 1988, publisher = sv, annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @techreport{DJB86a, author = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan and B. Lorho", title = "A Survey on Attribute Grammars: Part I Main Results", type = "Rapport de Recherche", year = 1986, month = Jan, institution = "INRIA, Rocquencourt", number = "485", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @techreport{DJB86b, author = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan and B. Lorho", title = "A Survey on Attribute Grammars: Part II Review of Existing Systems", year = 1986, type = "Rapport de Recherche", month = Jan, institution = "INRIA, Rocquencourt", number = "510", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @techreport{DJB85a, author = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan and B. Lorho", title = "A Survey on Attribute Grammars: Part III Classified Bibliography", year = 1985, type = "Rapport de Recherche", month = Jan, institution = "INRIA, Rocquencourt", number = "417", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @techreport{Jou85a, author = "Martin Jourdan", title = "Evaluation R\'ecursive des Grammaires Attribu\'ees: Deux Implantations", year = 1985, type = "Rapport de Recherche", month = May, institution = "INRIA, Rocquencourt", number = "409", annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores" } @techreport{Jou83a, author = "Martin Jourdan", title = "An Efficient Recursive Evaluator for Strongly Non-Circular Attribute Grammars", year = 1983, type = "Rapport de Recherche", month = Oct, institution = "INRIA, Rocquencourt", number = "235", annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores" } @inproceedings{Jou91a, author = "Martin Jourdan", title = "A Survey of Parallel Attribute Evaluation Methods", booktitle = "Int. Summer School on Attribute Grammars, Applications and Systems", editor = "H. Alblas and B. Melichar", pages = "234--255", year = 1991, month = Jun, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 545", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @inproceedings{JBP90a, author = "Martin Jourdan and Carole Le Bellec and Didier Parigot", title = "The {OLGA} {A}ttribute {G}rammar {D}escription {L}anguage: Design, Implementation and Evaluation", booktitle = "Attribute Grammars and their Applications", editor = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan", pages = "222--237", year = 1990, month = Sep, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 461", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @unpublished{JP87a, author = "Martin Jourdan and Didier Parigot", title = "More on Speeding Up Circularity Tests for Attribute Grammars", year = 1987, note = "INRIA, Rocquencourt (draft version)", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @unpublished{Par87a, author = "Didier Parigot", title = "Practical Transformation of Strongly Non-Circular Attribute Grammars into l-Ordered ones", year = 1987, note = "INRIA, Rocquencourt (draft version)", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @article{Arb86a, author = "Bijan Arbab", title = "Compiling Circular Attribute Grammars into Prolog", journal = "Journal of Research and Development", pages = "294--309", year = 1986, month = May, volume = 30, number = 3, publisher = "IBM", annote = "compilacao, atributos, prog logica" } @techreport{RSea83a, author = "K.J. {R\"aih\"a} and M. Saarinen and M. Sarjakoski and S. Sippu and E. Soisalon-Soininen and M. Tienari", title = "Revised Report on the Compiler Writing System HLP78", type = "Techn. Report", year = 1983, institution = "Univ. of Helsinki, Depart. of Computer Science", number = "A-1983-1", annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores" } @article{Rai80a, author = "K. J. R{\"a}ih{\"a}", title = "Bibliography on Attribute Grammars", journal = "{SIGPLAN} Notices", pages = "35--44", year = 1980, volume = 15, number = 3, publisher = "ACM", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @book{WG84a, author = "William Waite and Gerhard Goos", title = "Compiler Construction", year = 1984, series = "Texts and Monographs in Computer Science", publisher = sv, annote = "compilacao" } @techreport{BH91a, author = "Luis S. Barbosa and Pedro R. Henriques", title = "Especifica\c{c}\~{a}o de Sistemas e Programa\c{c}\~{a}o Modular - A Linguagem ML", publisher = {Departamento de Inform\'{a}tica}, address = {Universidade do Minho}, type = "Texto Pedag\'ogico (mestrado em inform\'atica)", year = 1991, annote = "especificacao formal, linguagens funcional, modularidade" } @techreport{Bar92a, author = "Luis Soares Barbosa", title = "Sobre a Especifica\c{c}\~ao Matem\'atica de Sistemas Concorrentes", year = 1992, month = Jul, type = "Provas de Aptid\~ao Pedad\'ogica e Capacidade Cient\'{\i}fica", institution = um, number = "", annote = "" } @techreport{AB91a, author = "J. J. Almeida and L. S. Barbosa", title = "{CAMILA} By Example", year = 1991, type = "Relatorio Interno", month = Nov, institution = gdcc, number = "DI/Inesc-91-11-1", annote = "" } @techreport{ABCM89a, author = "J. J. Almeida and J. Barros and P. Castro and F. Madeira", title = "Preprocessador para {YARPT}", year = 1989, type = "Relatorio Interno", month = Oct, institution = gdcc, number = "JNICT/PMCT/87.66/JJA1", annote = "" } @techreport{BH86a, author = "Leonor Barroca and Pedro Rangel Henriques", title = "Especifica\c{c}\~{a}o e implementa\c{c}\~{a}o de um compilador para a linguagem LISS", year = 1986, type = "Relatorio Interno", month = Sep, institution = gdcc, number = "", annote = "compilacao, semantica, espec funcional" } @phdthesis{Hen92b, author = "Pedro R. Henriques", title = "{A}tributos e {M}odularidade na {E}specifica\c{c}\~ao de {L}inguagens {F}ormais", year = 1992, month = Dec, school = "Universidade do Minho", annote = "compilacao, atributos, modularidade" } @techreport{Hen92a, author = "Pedro R. Henriques", title = "Gram\'{a}ticas de {A}tributos", year = 1992, type = "Texto Pedag\'ogico (mestrado de inform\'atica)", month = Jan, institution = gdcc, number = "UMMAN ga-2.1", annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores, semantica, espec formal" } @techreport{Hen91c, author = "Pedro R. Henriques", title = "{MASLP}: Alguns Exemplos", year = 1991, type = "Relatorio Interno", month = Dec, institution = gdcc, number = "", annote = "compilacao, atributos, modularidade, semantica, espec formal" } @techreport{Hen91a, author = "Pedro R. Henriques", title = "Introdu\c{c}\~{a}o \`{a}s {MASLP}: um exemplo", year = 1991, type = "Relatorio Interno", month = Dec, institution = gdcc, number = "UMMAN mas-1.5", annote = "compilacao, atributos, modularidade, semantica, espec formal" } @inproceedings{Hen88a, author = "Pedro R. Henriques", title = "A Semantic Evaluator Generating System in {PROLOG}", booktitle = "Programming Languages Implementation and Logic Programming", editor = "P. Deransart and B. Lorho and J. Maluszynski", pages = "201--218", year = 1988, month = May, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 348", annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores, prog logica" } @inproceedings{Hen87b, author = "Pedro R. Henriques", title = "Um gerador de Calculadores de Atributos em {PROLOG}", booktitle = "Actas do III Encontro Portugu\^es de Intelig\^encia Artificial {EPIA87}", editor = "A. Sernadas and J. M. Neves", pages = "326--350", year = 1987, month = Oct, publisher = appia, annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores, prog logica" } @inproceedings{Hen87a, author = "Pedro R. Henriques", title = "Gram\'aticas de Atributos: o seu papel na Especifica\c{c}\~ao Formal", booktitle = "Actas do XII Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Matem\'atica", editor = "", year = 1987, month = Apr, publisher = um, annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @techreport{HA90b, author = "Pedro R. Henriques and José João Almeida", title = "O {G}erador de {C}ompiladores {COCO}", year = 1990, month = Mar, type = "Relat\'{o}rio de Instala\c{c}\~ao", institution = gdcc, } @techreport{HA90a, author = "Pedro R. Henriques and José João Almeida", title = "O {G}erador de {A}nalisadores {L\'exicos} {ALEX}", year = 1990, month = Mar, type = "Relat\'{o}rio de Instala\c{c}\~ao", institution = gdcc, } @inproceedings{MAH90a, author = "Fernando Mário Martins and José João AlmeidaJ. and Pedro R. Henriques", title = "Mecanismos para Especifica\c{c}\~ao e Prototipagem de Interfaces Utilizador-Sistema", booktitle = "Actas do III Encontro Portugu\^{e}s de Computa\c{c}\~{a}o Gr\'afica", editor = "", year = 1990, month = Oct, publisher = "" } @manual{PH91a, author = "Luis Filipe Pinto and Pedro Rangel Henriques", title = "Animador de Especifica\c{c}\~oes {OBLOG}", year = 1991, month = Sep, organization = gdcc, edition = "1.st", number = "UMMAN obl-man", annote = "ambientes desenvolvimento, prog oobjectos, espec formal" } @inproceedings{Kas91a, author = "Uwe Kastens", title = "Attribute Grammar as a Specification Method", booktitle = "Int. Summer School on Attribute Grammars, Applications and Systems", editor = "H. Alblas and B. Melichar", pages = "16--47", year = 1991, month = Jun, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 545", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @inproceedings{Kas91b, author = "Uwe Kastens", title = "Implementation of Visit-Oriented Attribute Evaluators", booktitle = "Int. Summer School on Attribute Grammars, Applications and Systems", editor = "H. Alblas and B. Melichar", pages = "114--139", year = 1991, month = Jun, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 545", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @inproceedings{Kas91c, author = "Uwe Kastens", title = "Attribute Grammars in a Compiler Construction Environment", booktitle = "Int. Summer School on Attribute Grammars, Applications and Systems", editor = "H. Alblas and B. Melichar", pages = "380--400", year = 1991, month = Jun, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 545", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @article{Kas80a, author = "Uwe Kastens", title = "Ordered Attribute Grammars", journal = "Acta Informatica", pages = "229--256", year = 1980, volume = 13, number = 3, publisher = sv, annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @incollection{KHZ82a, author = "Uwe Kastens and B. Hutt and E. Zimmermann", title = "{GAG}: A Practical Compiler Generator", booktitle = "LNCS 141", year = 1982, publisher = sv, annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores" } @misc{Bar82a, author = "K. Barbar", title = "Etude Comparative de Differentes Classes de Grammaires d'Attributs Ordonn\'ees", year = 1982, month = Jun, howpublished = "(Th\`ese de 3\`eme cycle) Universit\'e de Bordeaux I", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @techreport{YN88a, author = "Y. Yamashita and I. Nakata", title = "Programming in Coupled Context-Free Grammars", type = "Research Report", year = 1988, month = Jun, institution = "Univ. of Tsukuba, Institute of Information Sciences and Electronics", number = "ISE-TR-88-70", annote = "gramaticas, prog, linguagem formal" } @techreport{Sas88a, author = "Masataka Sassa", title = "Incremental Attribute Evaluation Based on ECLR-Attributed Grammars", type = "Research Report", number = "A-1988-9", year = 1988, institution = "University of Helsinki, Dep. of Computer Science", annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores, calculo incremental" } @article{NS86a, author = "Ikuo Nakata and Masataka Sassa", title = "L-Attributed LL(1)-Grammars are LR-Attributed", journal = "Information Processing Letters", pages = "325-328", year = 1986, month = Dec, volume = 23, publisher = nh, annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @article{SIN87a, author = "M. Sassa and H. Ishizuka and I. Nakata", title = "{ECLR}-Attributed Grammars: A Practical Class of LR-Attributed Grammars", journal = "Information Processing Letters", pages = "31--41", year = 1987, month = Jul, volume = 24, publisher = nh, annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @techreport{SIN86a, author = "M. Sassa and H. Ishizuka and I. Nakata", title = "A Compiler Generator Based on LR-Attributed Grammars", type = "Tech. memo", number = "PL-7", year = 1985, month = Nov, institution = "University of Tsukuba, Institute of Information Sciences and Electronics", annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores" } @misc{Fil83a, author = "G. Fil\`e", title = "Theory of Attribute Grammars", year = 1983, howpublished = "(Dissertation) Onderafdeling der Informatica, Technische Hogeschool Twente", annote = "atributos" } @inproceedings{EF81a, author = "J. Engelfriet and G. Fil\`e", title = "Passes, Sweeps and Visits", booktitle = "8th {ICALP}, Acre", editor = "S. Even and O. Kariv", pages = "193--207", year = 1981, month = Jul, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 115", annote = "atributos" } @inproceedings{Eng84a, author = "J. Engelfriet", title = "Attribute Grammars: Attribute Evaluation Methods", booktitle = "Methods and Tools for Compiler Construction", editor = "B. Lorho", pages = "103--138", year = 1984, publisher = cup, note = "{INRIA--CEC} Course", annote = "atributos" } @inproceedings{Lor77a, author = "Bernard Lorho", title = "Semantics Attributes Processing in the System {DELTA}", booktitle = "Methods of Algorithmic Language Implementation", editor = "A. Ershov and C.H.A. Koster", pages = "21--40", year = 1977, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 47", annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores" } @phdthesis{Lor74a, author = "Bernard Lorho", title = "De la D\'efinition \`a la Traduction des Langages de Programmation: M\'ethode des Attributs S\'emantiques", year = 1974, month = Nov, school = "Universit\'e Paul Sabatier, Toulouse", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @inproceedings{Wil90a, author = "Reinhard Wilhelm", title = "Tree {T}ransformations, {F}unctional {L}anguages and {A}ttribute {G}rammars", booktitle = "WAGA-90", editor = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan", pages = "117--129", year = 1990, month = Sep, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 461", annote = "compilacao, atributos, incremental, funcional" } @inproceedings{LMW88a, author = "P. Lipps and U. M{\"o}ncke and R. Wilhelm", title = "{OPTRAN}: a {L}anguage/{S}ystem for the {S}pecification of {P}rogram {T}ransformations ---System Overview and Experiences", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Compiler Compilers and High Speed Compilation, Berlin", editor = "Hammer", year = 1988, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 371", annote = "compilacao, atributos, incremental, geradores" } @techreport{LMOW87a, author = "P. Lipps and U. M{\"o}ncke and M. Olk and R. Wilhelm", title = "Attribute Re(evaluation) in {OPTRAN}", type = "{PROSPECTRA} project Report", year = 1987, month = Jan, institution = "Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes", number = "S.1.3-R-5.0", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes, geradores" } @techreport{Mon87a, author = "U. M{\"o}ncke", title = "Grammar Flow Analysis", type = "{PROSPECTRA} project Report", year = 1987, month = Jan, institution = "Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes", number = "S.1.3-R-2.2", annote = "compilacao, atributos, gramaticas, data-flow" } @inproceedings{MWW84a, author = "U. M{\"o}ncke and B. Weisgerber and R. Wilhelm", title = "How to Implement a System for Manipulation of Attributed Trees", booktitle = "{GI} 8. Fachtagung Programmiersprachen und Programmentwicklung, Zurich, {IFB} 777", editor = "U. Ammann", pages = "112--127", year = 1984, month = May, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 47", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @techreport{GPSW86a, author = "M. Greim and {St. Pistorius} and M. Solsbacher and B. Weisberger", title = "{POPSY} and {OPTRAN} Manual", type = "{PROSPECTRA} project Report", year = 1986, institution = "Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes", number = "S.1.6-R-3.0", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes, geradores" } @inproceedings{Gie86a, author = "Robert Giegerich", title = "Logic Specification of Code Generation Techniques", booktitle = "Programs as Data Objects", editor = "", pages = "96--111", year = 1986, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS", annote = "compilacao, geracao codigo, prog logica, espec formal" } @unpublished{GG84a, author = "Harald Ganzinger and Robert Giegerich", title = "Attribute Coupled Grammars", year = 1984, note = "(paper to appear at the ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Compiler Construction, Montreal, 1984)", annote = "compilacao, atributos, gramaticas" } @article{GGMW82a, author = "H. Ganzinger and R. Giegerich and U. {M\"{o}ncke} and R. Wilhelm", title = "A Truly Generative Semantics-Directed Compiler Generator", journal = "ACM", pages = "172--184", year = 1982, publisher = acm, annote = "MUG2, compilacao, atributos, geradores" } @techreport{BG81a, author = "G. Bartmuss and R. Giegerich", title = "Compiler Development with {MUG2}: An Introductory Example", type = "Techn. Report", year = 1981, month = Apr, institution = "Institut {f\"ur} Informatik, T.U. {M\"unchen}", number = "TUM-I8102", annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores" } @article{Far83a, author = "Rodney Farrow ", title = "Attribute Grammars and Data-Flow Languages", journal = "ACM", pages = "28--40", year = 1983, volume = 5, publisher = acm, annote = "compilacao, atributos, linguagens, data-flow" } *** @techreport{Udd88a, author = "Goran O. Uddeborg", title = "A Functional Parser Generator", type = "Rapport de Recherche", year = 1988, month = Feb, institution = "Chalmers Univ. of Technology at Goterborg", number = "43", annote = "compilacao, parsing, atributos, geradores, prog funcional" } @unpublished{Cha90a, author = "N. P. Chapman", title = "Defining, Analysing and Implementing Communication Protocols using Attribute Grammars", year = 1990, note = "Univ. College London, Dep. of Computer Science", annote = "atributos, protocolos comunicacao, prototipagem" } @book{Nij83a, author = "A. Nijholt", title = "Deterministic Top-Down and Bottom-Up Parsing: Historical Notes and Bibliographies", year = 1983, publisher = "Mathematical Center, Amsterdam", annote = "compilacao, parsing, sintaxe" } @techreport{Chr86a, author = "Henning Christiansen", title = "Parsing and Compilation of Generative Languages", type = "Research Report", year = 1986, institution = "Roskilde Univ. Center, Computer Science", number = "3/1986", annote = "compilacao, parsing, sintaxe, linguagem formal, gramaticas" } @book{Bac79a, author = "R. Backhouse", title = "Syntax of Programming Languages: Theory and Practice", year = 1979, publisher = ph, annote = "parsing, sintaxe, linguagem formal, gramaticas" } @inproceedings{Wan84a, author = "M. Wand", title = "A Semantic Prototyping system", booktitle = "Proc. of SIGPLAN84, Symp. on Compiler Construction", editor = "", pages = "213--221", year = 1984, month = Dec, publisher = "SIGPLAN Notices", annote = "compilacao, espec formal, geradores, semantica denotacional" } @inproceedings{Pau83a, author = "L. Paulson", title = "Compiler generation from Denotational Semantics", booktitle = "Methods and Tools for Compiler Construction", editor = "", pages = "263--288", year = 1983, month = Dec, publisher = "INRIA, Rocquencourt", annote = "compilacao, espec formal, geradores, semantica denotacional" } @inproceedings{Gau83a, author = "M. C. Gaudel", title = "Compilers Generation from Formal Definitions of Programming Languages: A Survey", booktitle = "Methods and Tools for Compiler Construction", editor = "", pages = "225--242", year = 1983, month = Dec, publisher = "INRIA, Rocquencourt", annote = "compilacao, espec formal, geradores" } @inproceedings{GDM84a, author = "M. C. Gaudel and P. Deschamps and M. Mazaud", title = "Compiler Construction from High-Level Specifications", booktitle = "Automatic Program Construction Techniques", editor = "Biermann and Guiho and Kadratoff", year = 1984, publisher = "Macmillan Inc.", annote = "compilacao, espec formal, geradores, semantica algebrica" } @inproceedings{Des82a, author = "P. Deschamp", title = "{PERLUETTE}: a compiler producing system using abstract data types", booktitle = "Proc. on Int. Symp. on Programming", editor = "", year = 1982, month = Apr, publisher = "Turin", annote = "compilacao, geradores, semantica algebrica" } @techreport{DMR89a, author = "A. Despland and M. Mazaud and R. Rokotozafy ", title = "Using Rewriting Techniques to Produce Code-Generators and Proving them Correct", type = "Rapport de Recherche", year = 1989, number = "1046", institution = "INRIA, Rocquencourt", annote = "compilacao, geradores, geracao codigo, reescrita" } @techreport{MRD86a, author = "M. Mazaud and R. Rokotozafy and A. Despland", title = "M\'eta-G\'en\'eration de Code par R\'e\'ecriture de Termes guid\'ee par mod\`eles d'arbres", type = "Rapport de Recherche", year = 1986, number = "582", institution = "INRIA, Rocquencourt", annote = "compilacao, geradores, geracao codigo, reescrita, semantica algebrica" } @techreport{Bon86a, author = "Joel Bonnet", title = "Etude des principaux langages de description de grammaires attribuees et specification d'un nouveau langages base sur des grammaires abstraites", type = "Rapport de D.E.A.", year = 1986, institution = "INRIA, Rocquencourt", annote = "compilacao, atributos, linguagem especificacao" } @techreport{Bil86a, author = "Sylvie Billot", title = "Analyse Syntaxique non Deterministe", type = "Rapport de D.E.A.", year = 1986, institution = "INRIA, Rocquencourt", annote = "sintaxe, parsing, linguagem formal" } @techreport{Den80a, author = "P. Dencker", title = "Benutzerbeschreibung des {PGS}", type = "Interner Bericht", year = 1980, number = "8/80", institution = "{Instit\"ut f\"ur} Informatik, Univ. Karlsruhe", annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing" } @techreport{Jac87a, author = "C. J. H. Jacobs", title = "{LLgen}, an extended {LL(1)} Parser Generator", type = "Tech. Report", year = 1987, institution = "Univ. of Amsterdam, Dep. Mathematics and Comp. Science", annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing" } @unpublished{TGHK90a, author = "J. Tolzki and T. Gyim\'othi and T. Horvcith and F. Kocsiz", title = "Generating Modular Compilers in {PROF-LP}", year = 1990, note = "Univ. of Szeged, Hungary", annote = "compilacao, geradores, espec modular" } @unpublished{Mar87a, author = "I. Margitics", title = "{PROF-LP} Professional Language Processor", year = 1987, note = "Sci-L Systems, Budapest", annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing, atributos" } @article{PW80a, author = "F. C. N. Pereira and D. H. D. Warren", title = "Definite Clause Grammars for Language Analysis: A Survey of the Formalism and Comparison with Augmented Transistion Networks", journal = "Artificial Intelligence", pages = "231--278", year = 1980, volume = 13, number = 3, publisher = nh, annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing, linguagem formal natural, gramaticas, prog logica" } @article{Szp87a, author = "Stan Szpakowicz", title = "Logic Grammars", journal = "BYTE", pages = "185--195", year = 1987, month = Aug, publisher = "", annote = "compilacao, gramaticas, parsing, prog logica" } @inbook{SS86a, author = "Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro", title = "The Art of Prolog", chapter = 16, year = 1986, series = "Series in logic programming", publisher = "MIT Press", annote = "prog logica" } @book{Ric85a, author = "Elaine Rich", title = "Artificial {I}ntelligence", year = 1985, edition = "3rd", series = "Series in Artificial Intelligence", publisher = McG, annote = "inteligencia artificial, representacao conhecimento" } @book{NM90a, author = "Ulf Nilsson and Jan Maluszynski", title = "Logic, {P}rogramming and {P}rolog", year = 1990, edition = "1st", publisher = jws, annote = "prog logica, prolog, representacao conhecimento" } @unpublished{Nil86a, author = "U. Nilsson", title = "{AID}: An Alternative Implementation of {DCG}s", year = 1986, note = "Dep. of Computer and Information Science, {Link\"oping} University (draft version)", annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing, prog logica" } @article{MTHea83a, author = "Y. Matsumoto and H. Tanaka and H. Hirakawa et al", title = "{BUP}: A Bottom-Up Parser embedded in Prolog", journal = "New Generation Computing", year = 1983, volume = 1, publisher = "", annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing, prog logica" } @inproceedings{UOKea84a, author = "Kuniaki Uehara and R. Ochitani and O. Kakusho et al", title = "A Bottom-Up Parser Based on Predicate Logic: A Survey of the Formalism and its Implementation Techique", booktitle = "Proc.84 -- Int. Symp. on Logic Programming, Atlantic City", pages = "220--227", year = 1984, publisher = "IEEE", note = "(Osaka University)", annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing, prog logica" } @inproceedings{Abr84a, author = "Harvey Abramson", title = "Definite Clause Translation Grammars", booktitle = "Proc.84 -- Int. Symp. on Logic Programming, Atlantic City", pages = "233--240", year = 1984, publisher = "IEEE", note = "(University of British Columbia)", annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing, prog logica" } @article{CH87a, author = "Jacques Cohen and Timothy J. Hickey", title = "Parsing and Compiling using Prolog", journal = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems", pages = "125--163", year = 1987, volume = 9, number = 2, publisher = acm, annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing, prog logica" } @inproceedings{Mon90a, author = "Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Monin", title = "Comment R\'eussir un Compilateur Gr\^ace \`a PROLOG", booktitle = "Les Utilisations Industrielles du Langage PROLOG", pages = "", year = 1990, publisher = "AFCET - Paris", annote = "compilacao, prog logica" } @techreport{Klein92a, author = "Eduard Klein", title = "Parallel Ordered Attribute Grammars", year = 1992, month = Jun, type = "Research Report", institution = gmd, annote = "compilacao, geradores, espec formal" } @article{KM89a, author = "E. Klein and M. Martin", title = "The Parser Generating System {PGS}", journal = "Software -- Pratice and Experience", pages = "1015--1028", year = 1989, volume = 19, number = 11, publisher = jws, annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing, sintaxe" } @phdthesis{Sch79a, author = "Richard Marion Schell", title = "Methods for construction parallel compilers for use in a multiprocessor environment", year = 1979, month = Fev, school = "University of Illinois", annote = "compilacao, atributos, paralelismo" } @phdthesis{Zar90a, author = "Alan Keith Zaring", title = "Parallel Evaluation in Attribute Grammar-Based Systems", year = 1990, month = Aug, school = "Cornell University", annote = "compilacao, atributos, paralelismo" } @techreport{Wai93a, author = "William Waite", title = "A Complete Specification of a Simple Compiler", year = 1993, month = Jan, type = "Research Report", institution = "Univ. of Colorado at Boulder", number = "CU-CS-638-93", annote = "compilacao, geradores, espec formal, ia" } @techreport{WK92a, author = "Uwe Kastens and William Waite", title = "Modularity and Reusability in Attribute Grammars", year = 1992, month = Sep, type = "Research Report", institution = "Univ. of Colorado at Boulder", number = "CU-CS-612-92", annote = "compilacao, geradores, espec formal, ia" } @techreport{WS92a, author = "William Waite and Anthony M. Sloane", title = "Software Synthesis via Domain-Specific Software Architectures", year = 1992, month = Sep, type = "Research Report", institution = "Univ. of Colorado at Boulder", number = "CU-CS-611-92", annote = "compilacao, geradores, espec formal, ia" } @techreport{Wai90a, author = "William Waite", title = "Error Analysis and Reporting in Programming Environments", year = 1990, month = Jan, type = "Research Report", institution = "Univ. of Colorado at Boulder", number = "CU-CS-456-90", annote = "compilacao, geradores, espec formal, ia" } @techreport{GHea90b, author = "R. Gray and V. Heuring and S. Kram and A. Sloam and W. Waite", title = "Eli: A Complete, Flexible Compiler Construction System", year = 1990, month = Oct, type = "Research Report", institution = "Univ. of Colorado at Boulder", number = "", annote = "compilacao, geradores, ia" } @techreport{HWF90a, author = "V. Heuring and W. Waite and G. Fischer", title = "Automatic Compiler Construction", year = 1990, month = Feb, type = "Final Research Report", institution = "Univ. of Colorado at Boulder", number = "Contarct/DAAL 03-86-k-0100", annote = "compilacao, geradores, espec formal, ia" } @techreport{WGS89a, author = "W. Waite and J. Grosch and F. {Schr\"oer}", title = "Three Compiler Specifications", year = 1989, month = Aug, type = "Research Report", institution = gmd, number = "GMD-Studie nr. 166", annote = "compilacao, geradores, espec formal" } @techreport{Gro91b, author = "Josef Grosch", title = "Preprocessors", year = 1991, type = "Research Report", month = Feb, institution = gmd, number = "24", annote = "compilacao, geradores, atributos" } @techreport{Gro91a, author = "Josef Grosch", title = "{A}g - {A}n {A}ttribute {E}valuator {G}enerator", year = 1991, type = "Research Report", month = Mar, institution = gmd, number = "16", } @techreport{GE90a, author = "Josef Grosch and Helmut Emmelmann", title = "Tool {B}ox for {C}ompiler {C}onstruction", year = 1990, type = "Research Report", month = Jan, institution = gmd, number = "20", annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing" } @techreport{Gro89e, author = "Josef Grosch", title = "Tool Support for Data Structures", year = 1989, type = "Research Report", month = Nov, institution = gmd, number = "17", annote = "compilacao, geradores, programacao, estruturas dados" } @techreport{Gro89d, author = "Josef Grosch", title = "Efficient and Comfortable Error Recovery in Recursive Descent Parsers", year = 1989, type = "Research Report", month = Dec, institution = gmd, number = "19", annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing, tratamento erros" } @techreport{Gro89c, author = "Josef Grosch", title = "Object-Oriented Attribute Grammars", year = 1989, type = "Research Report", month = Dec, institution = gmd, number = "18", annote = "compilacao, geradores, atributos, oobjectos" } @techreport{Gro89b, author = "Josef Grosch", title = "Ag - An Attribute Evaluator Generator", year = 1989, type = "Research Report", month = Aug, institution = gmd, number = "16", annote = "compilacao, geradores, atributos" } @techreport{Gro89a, author = "Josef Grosch", title = "Ast - A Generator for Abstract Syntax Trees", year = 1989, type = "Research Report", month = Aug, institution = gmd, number = "15", annote = "compilacao, geradores, arvores sintaxe" } @techreport{Gro88c, author = "Josef Grosch", title = "Generators for {H}igh-{S}peed {F}ront-{E}nds", year = 1988, type = "Research Report", month = Sep, institution = gmd, number = "11", annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing, sintaxe" } @techreport{Gro88b, author = "Josef Grosch", title = "{LALR} - A Generator for Efficient Parsers", year = 1988, type = "Research Report", month = Oct, institution = gmd, number = "10", annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing, sintaxe" } @techreport{Gro88a, author = "Josef Grosch", title = "Selected Examples of Scanner Specifications", year = 1988, type = "Research Report", month = Mar, institution = gmd, number = "7", annote = "compilacao, geradores, analise lexica" } @techreport{Gro87a, author = "Josef Grosch", title = "Rex - A Scanner Generator", year = 1987, type = "Research Report", month = Dec, institution = gmd, number = "5", annote = "compilacao, geradores, analise lexica" } @techreport{Vie88a, author = "Bertram Vielsack", title = "The Parser Generators Lalr and Ell", year = 1988, type = "Research Report", month = Apr, institution = gmd, number = "8", annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing, sintaxe" } @techreport{Emm89a, author = "Helmut Emmelmann", title = "{BEG} - A Back End Generator, User Manual", year = 1989, type = "Research Report", month = Dec, institution = gmd, number = "Arbeitspapiere der GMD 420", annote = "compilacao, geradores, geracao codigo" } @techreport{Fer93b, author = "Maria Estrela R. Ferreira", title = "O {A}mbiente {MALDE II} ", publisher = {Departamento de Inform\'{a}tica}, address = {Universidade do Minho}, type = "Relatorio de Est'agio", year = 1993, annote = "compilacao, ambientes, atributos, modularidade, prototipagem" } @manual{Fer93a, author = "Maria Estrela R. Ferreira", title = "{MALDE II}: Manual de Utiliza\c{c}\~ao ", year = 1993, month = Sep, organization = gdcc, edition = "1.st", number = "UM maldeii93", annote = "ambientes desenvolvimento" } @techreport{PSV93a, author = "Elvira Pimenta and Isabel Silva and Maria C\'eu Vivas", title = "Introdu\c{c}\~ao ao {MALDE II} ", publisher = {Departamento de Inform\'{a}tica}, address = {Universidade do Minho}, type = "Relatorio de Projecto", year = 1993, annote = "compilacao, ambientes, atributos, modularidade, prototipagem" } @techreport{CCS93a, author = "Jos\'e C. Carvalhal and Manuel Coelho and Jos\'e C. Espirito Santo", title = " {MALDE I} ", publisher = {Departamento de Inform\'{a}tica}, address = {Universidade do Minho}, type = "Relatorio de Projecto", year = 1993, annote = "compilacao, ambientes, atributos, modularidade, prototipagem" } @techreport{Nev92a, author = "F. Luis Neves", title = "Visualiza\c{c}\~ao {G}r'afica de {C}onjuntos de {A}tributos {R}elacionados", year = 1992, type = "Relatorio de Est\'agio", month = Oct, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr00192", annote = "compilacao, interfaces, espec formal" } @techreport{Pir91a, author = "M. F\'atima Pires", title = "Knowledge Representation Language", year = 1991, type = "Relatorio de Est\'agio", month = Jun, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr00391", annote = "prog oobjectos, espec formal" } @techreport{Lop91b, author = "Filipe Lopes", title = "Implementa\c{c}\~{a}o de {MASLP} em {CCS}", year = 1991, type = "Relatorio de Projecto", month = Mar, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr01191", annote = "compilacao, ambientes desenvolvimento, prog oobjectos, espec formal" } @techreport{Lop91a, author = "Filipe Lopes", title = "Comunica\c{c}\~{o}es para a {L}inguagem {O} e {I}nterface {E}ngine {S}erver", year = 1991, type = "Relatorio de Est\'agio", month = Oct, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr00991", annote = "prog oobjectos, espec formal, agentes comunicantes, BIM Prolog" } @techreport{Pac90a, author = "Olga Maria Pacheco", title = "Concep\c{c}\~ao dum {S}istema {P}ericial para o {R}egisto {P}redial", year = 1990, type = "Relatorio de Est\'agio", institution = gdcc, number = "CCr01391", annote = "ai, sistemas periciais, prog logica, espec formal" } @techreport{Gre91a, author = "Joao Grenhas", title = "{NYAGSL}: {N}ot {Y}et {A G}ood {S}pecification {L}anguage", year = 1991, type = "Relatorio de Projecto", month = May, institution = gdcc, number = "", annote = "" } @techreport{MD91a, author = "Carla Mendes and Duarte Duarte", title = "{GIG}: {G}ram\'atica {I}nteractiva {G}uardada", year = 1991, type = "Relatorio de Projecto", month = May, institution = gdcc, number = "", annote = "" } @techreport{FM91a, author = "M. Joao Frade and Jos\'{e} E. Pina Miranda", title = "Projecto {XSBProlog}", year = 1991, type = "Relatorio de Projecto", month = May, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr01291", annote = "prog logica, multi-programacao, espec formal, X-Windows" } @techreport{Fra91a, author = "M. Joao Frade", title = "Implementa\c{c}\~{a}o da {L}inguagem {O} -- Parte Dinamica", year = 1991, type = "Relatorio de Est\'agio", month = Sep, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr00491", annote = "prog oobjectos, espec formal, Lisp" } @techreport{Pina91a, author = "Jos\'e Eduardo Pina Miranda", title = "Implementa\c{c}\~{a}o da {L}inguagem {O} -- Parte Est\'{a}tica", year = 1991, type = "Relatorio de Est\'agio", month = Sep, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr00591", annote = "prog oobjectos, espec formal, Lisp" } @techreport{Pin91b, author = "Luis Filipe Pinto", title = "Animador de Especifica\c{c}\~oes {OBLOG} -- vers\~ao 2", year = 1991, type = "Relatorio de Est\'agio", month = Aug, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr00291", annote = "compilacao, interfaces, prog logica, prog oobjectos, espec formal" } @techreport{Pin91a, author = "Luis Filipe Pinto", title = "Animador de Especifica\c{c}\~oes {OBLOG}", year = 1991, type = "Relatorio de Projecto", month = Mar, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr00191", annote = "compilacao, ambientes desenvolvimento, prog oobjectos, espec formal" } @techreport{AAea91a, author = "A. Alves and A. Amador and A. Miranda and C. Ribeiro and F. Ferreira and J. Moreira and L. Ferreira and L. Neves", title = "Compilador para o sistema {GLiTCH}", type = "Relatorio de Projecto de Compiladores", year = 1991, month = Jul, institution = gdcc, number = "", annote = "compilacao, ambientes desenvolvimento, prog oobjectos, espec formal" } @techreport{PSR92a, author = "Henrique Pereira and Jorge Silva and Jose Ribeiro", title = "{XO}blog -- {I}nterface para o {A}nimador de {OBLOG}", year = 1992, type = "Relatorio de Projecto", month = Apr, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr00192", annote = "gramaticas atributos, ambientes desenvolvimento, prog oobjectos, espec formal, interfaces, xwindows" } @techreport{SBA92a, author = "Rui Soares and Julio Bigas and Pedro Areias", title = "Implementa\c{c}\~ao duma rede neural em {T}ransputers", year = 1992, month = Apr, type = "Relatorio de Projecto", institution = gdcc, number = "", annote = "redes neuronais, transputers, occam" } @techreport{Sar93a, author = "Joao Saraiva", title = "{C}\'alculo de {A}tributos {C}oncorrente", year = 1993, type = "Tese de Mestrado", month = Sep, institution = gdcc, number = "" } @techreport{Sar91b, author = "Joao Saraiva", title = "Um {C}ompilador para a {L}inguagem {O}", year = 1991, type = "Relat\'{o}rio de Est\'agio", month = Sep, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr00691" } @techreport{Sar91a, author = "Joao Saraiva", title = "{O} {G}erador de {C}alculadores de {A}tributos: {AE}", year = 1991, type = "Relat\'{o}rio de Instala\c{c}\~ao", month = Sep, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr00791" } @techreport{Fer92a, author = "Adalberto G. Ferreira", title = "{GIA} -- {G}estor de {I}nterfaces", year = 1992, type = "Relat\'{o}rio de Est\'agio", month = Mar, institution = gdcc, number = "" } @techreport{SF91b, author = "Pedro P. Silva and Adalberto G. Ferreira", title = "{P}rojecto {CTB}: {R}elat\'{o}rio", year = 1991, type = "Relat\'{o}rio de Projecto", month = Sep, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr01091" } @techreport{SF91a, author = "Pedro P. Silva and Adalberto G. Ferreira", title = "{O} {G}erador de {A}nalisadores {L}\'exicos e {S}int\'{a}cticos: {FEGOR}", year = 1991, type = "Relat\'{o}rio de Projecto", month = Aug, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr00891" } @techreport{SF90c, author = "Pedro P. Silva and Adalberto G. Ferreira", title = "{O} {G}erador de {A}nalisadores {S}int\'{a}cticos: {ELL}", year = 1990, type = "Relat\'{o}rio de Instala\c{c}\~ao", month = Dec, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr00390" } @techreport{SF90b, author = "Pedro P. Silva and Adalberto G. Ferreira", title = "O Gerador de Analisadores Sint\'{a}cticos: {LALR}", year = 1990, type = "Relat\'orio de Instala\c{c}\~ao", month = Oct, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr00290", annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing, sintaxe" } @techreport{SF90a, author = "Pedro P. Silva and Adalberto G. Ferreira", title = "O Gerador de Analisadores L\'{e}xicos: {REX}", year = 1990, type = "Relat\'orio de Instala\c{c}\~ao", month = Oct, institution = gdcc, number = "CCr00190", annote = "compilacao, geradores, analise lexica" } @techreport{Roc92a, author = "Jorge G. Rocha", title = "The Synthesizer Generator - Tutorial", publisher = {Departamento de Inform\'{a}tica}, address = {Universidade do Minho}, type = "Relat\'orio de Instala\c{c}\~ao", year = 1992, annote = "compilacao, geradores, gramaticas atributos, calculo incremental" } @techreport{MR87a, author = "J.A. Mendes and A. Roeck", title = "Heuristic Grammar Annotations and Search Space Prunning: Support for Bi-directional Parsing Strategies", year = 1987, type = "Research Report", institution = "Dep. of Computer Science, Univ. of Essex", number = "", annote = "parsing, linguagem natural, prog logica, gramaticas, sintaxe" } @techreport{SR87a, author = "S. Steel and A. Roeck", title = "Bidirectional Chart Parsing", year = 1987, type = "Research Report", institution = "Dep. of Computer Science, Univ. of Essex", number = "", annote = "parsing, linguagem natural, prog logica, gramaticas, sintaxe" } @techreport{SB93a, author = "Thierry Le Sergent and Bernard Berthomieu", title = "Incremental, Multi-threaded Garbage Collection on Virtually Shared Memory Architectures", year = 1993, type = "Research Report", institution = laas, number = "", annote = "prog funcional, ML, CCS, ambientes prog, concorrencia" } @techreport{Ber89a, author = "Bernard Berthomieu", title = "Implementing {CCS}, the {LCS} experiment: a summary of the project", year = 1989, type = "Research Report", institution = laas, number = "LAAS report num. 89425", annote = "prog funcional, ML, CCS, ambientes prog, concorrencia" } @manual{Ber91a, author = "Bernard Berthomieu", title = "{LCS} Users Manual", organization = laas, edition = "version 3.0", year = 1991, month = Sep, annote = "prog funcional, ML, CCS, ambientes prog, concorrencia" } @manual{ORM91a, author = "The {Mjolner} {G}roup", title = "Mjolner/{ORM} User's Guide", organization = "Dep. of Computer Science / Lund University", edition = "1.st", year = 1991, month = May, annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog, geradores" } @techreport{MBea90a, author = "B. Magnusson and M. Bengtsson and L.-O. Dahlin and G. Fries and A. Gustavsson and G. Hedin and S. {Min\"or} and D. Oscarsson and M. Taube", title = "An Overview of the Mjolner/{ORM} Environment: Incremental Language and Software Development", year = 1990, type = "Research Report", month = "", institution = lund, number = "LU-CS-TR:90-57", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog, geradores" } @techreport{Mag83a, author = "B. Magnusson", title = "Code-{O}bjects: A {S}upport for {I}ncremental {C}ompilation", year = 1983, type = "Research Report", month = "", institution = lund, number = "LU-CS-TR:83-5", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog, geradores" } @techreport{Gus90a, author = "Anders Gustavsson", title = "Sotware {C}onfiguration {M}anagement in an {I}ntegrated {E}nvironment", year = 1990, type = "Research Report", month = "", institution = lund, number = "LU-CS-TR:90-52", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog, geradores" } @article{Gus89a, author = "Anders Gustavsson", title = "Maintaining the {E}volution of {S}oftware {O}bjects in an {I}ntegrated {E}nvironment", journal = "ACM", pages = "114--117", year = 1989, publisher = acm, annote = "compilacao, parsing, sintaxe" } @techreport{Min90a, author = "Sten {Min\"or}", title = "On {S}tructured-{O}riented {E}diting", year = 1990, type = "Research Report", month = "", institution = lund, number = "LUTEDX/(TECS-1002)/1-198/(1990)", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog, geradores" } @techreport{Min88a, author = "Sten {Min\"or}", title = "A {M}odel for {F}lexible {C}ommunications Between {O}bjects", year = 1988, type = "Research Report", month = "", institution = lund, number = "LU-CS-TR:88-35", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog, geradores" } @techreport{Hed92a, author = "{G\"orel} Hedin", title = "Incremental Semantic Analysis", type = "Doctoral Dissertation", year = 1992, month = Mar, institution = lund, number = "LU/(TECS-1003)/1-276/(1992)", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos" } @techreport{Hed91a, author = "{G\"orel} Hedin", title = "Incremental Static Semantic Analysis for Object-Oriented Languages using {D}oor {A}ttribute {G}rammars", year = 1991, type = "Research Report", month = Aug, institution = lund, number = "LU-CS-TR:91-79", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos" } @techreport{Hed89a, author = "{G\"orel} Hedin", title = "An Object-Oriented Notation for Attribute Grammars", year = 1989, type = "Research Report", month = "", institution = lund, number = "LU-CS-TR:89-42", annote = "compilacao, atributos, gramaticas, oobjectos" } @techreport{Hed88a, author = "{G\"orel} Hedin", title = "Incremental Attribute Evaluation with Sideeffects", year = 1988, type = "Research Report", month = "", institution = lund, number = "LU-CS-TR:88-37", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos" } @inproceedings{SK90a, author = "Yoichi Shinode and Takuya Katayama", title = "Object-Oriented Extensions to Attribute Grammar and its Implementation using Distributed Evaluation Algorithms", booktitle = "WAGA-90", editor = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan", pages = "177-191", year = 1990, month = Sep, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 461", annote = "compilacao, atributos, oobjectos, distribuidos, bd" } @article{KA88a, author = "F.E.J. Kruseman-Aretz", title = "On a Recursive Ascent Parser", journal = "Information Processing Letters", pages = "201--206", year = 1988, month = Nov, number = 29, publisher = nh, annote = "compilacao, parsing, sintaxe" } @inproceedings{Aug90c, author = "Lex Augsteijn", title = "The Elegant Compiler Generator", booktitle = "WAGA-90", editor = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan", pages = "238--254", year = 1990, month = Sep, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 461", annote = "compilacao, atributos, parsing, sintaxe, lexica, geradores" } @techreport{Aug90b, author = "Lex Augsteijn", title = "Analysis of the programming lenguage Pascal by the construction of a compiler front-end", year = 1990, month = Jun, type = "Research Report", institution = "Philips Research Lab., Eindhoven", number = "RWR-116-PO-900154-PO", annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores" } @techreport{Aug90a, author = "Lex Augsteijn", title = "The Elegant Compiler Generator Toll Set", year = 1990, month = "", type = "Research Report", institution = "Philips Research Lab., Eindhoven", number = "RWR-116-PO-900154-PO", annote = "compilacao, atributos, parsing, sintaxe, lexica, geradores" } @techreport{Wat85a, author = "David Watt", title = "Modular Descriptions of Programming Languages", year = 1985, month = "", type = "Research Report", institution = "Computer Science Div. - ECCS, Univ. of California", number = "", annote = "compilacao, espec formal, linguagem, modular" } @techreport{HKR88a, author = "J. Heering, P. Klint, J.G. Rekers", title = "Incremental Generation of Parsers", year = 1988, month = May, type = "Research Report", institution = "Dep. of Software Technology, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science", number = "CS-R8822", annote = "compilacao incremental, parsing, sintaxe, modular" } @inproceedings{BZ87a, author = "H.-J. Boehm and W. Zwaenepoel", title = "Parallel Attribute Grammar Evaluation", booktitle = "Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems", editor = "R. Popescu-Zeletin and G. Le Lam and K.H. Kim", pages = "347--354", year = 1987, annote = "compilacao, atributos, incremental, concurrencia" } @unpublished{KK93a, author = "G.E. Kaiser and S. M. Kaplan", title = "Parallel and Distributed Incremental Attribute Evaluation Algorithms for Multi-User Software Development Environments", year = 1993, note = "Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Columbia Univ.", annote = "compilacao, atributos, incremental, concorrencia" } @unpublished{KK90a, author = "S. M. Kaplan and G.E. Kaiser", title = "An Incremental Priority-based Solution to the Multiple Asynchronous Edit Problem", year = 1990, month = Mar, note = "Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Columbia Univ.", annote = "compilacao, atributos, incremental, concorrencia" } @inproceedings{KK86a, author = "S. M. Kaplan and G.E. Kaiser", title = "Incremental Attribute Evaluation in Distributed Language-based Environments", booktitle = "Proc. 5th Anual ACM Symp. on the Principles of Distributed Computing", pages = "121--130", year = 1986, annote = "compilacao, atributos, incremental, concurrencia" } @article{PT88a, author = "George Papakonstantinou and Panayotis Tsanakas", title = "Attribute Grammars and Data-Flow Computing", journal = "Information and Software Technology", pages = "306--313", year = 1988, month = Jun, volume = 30, number = 5, publisher = "Butterworths", annote = "compilacao, atributos, linguagens, data-flow" } @techreport{Van88a, author = "Mark Thierry Vandevoorde", title = "Parallel Compilation on a Tightly Coupled Multiprocessor", year = 1988, month = Mar, type = "Research Report", institution = "DIGITAL Systems Research Center", number = "", annote = "compilacao paralela, paralelismo, multiprocessamento" } @techreport{Kui92a, author = "M.F. Kuiper", title = "Speeding up {P}arallelism {D}etection for {A}ttribute {G}rammars", year = 1992, month = Apr, type = "Research Report", institution = "Dep. of Computer Science / Utrecht Univ.", number = "RUU-CS-92-18", annote = "compilacao paralela, gramaticas, atributos" } @inproceedings{KD89a, author = "M.F. Kuiper and A. Dijkstra ", title = "Attribute {E}valuation on a {N}etwork of {T}ransputers", booktitle = "Developing Transputer Applications", editor = "John Wexler", pages = "142--149", year = 1989, month = Sep, publisher = "IOS - Amsterdam", note = "Proceedings of the 11th occam User Group Technical Meeting", annote = "compilacao, atributos, incremental, concurrencia" } @phdthesis{Kui89a, author = "Matthijs F. Kuiper", title = "Parallel {A}ttribute {E}valuation", year = 1989, month = Nov, school = "Utrech University", annote = "compilacao, atributos, geradores" } @techreport{WK86a, author = "M.J. Walsteijn and M.F. Kuiper", title = "{A}ttribute {G}rammars in {P}rolog", year = 1986, month = Sep, type = "Research Report", institution = "Dep. of Computer Science / Utrecht Univ.", number = "RUU-CS-86-14", annote = "compilacao, gramaticas atributos, programacao logica" } @inproceedings{KS90a, author = "M.F. Kuiper and S.D. Swierstra ", title = "Parallel attribute evaluation: structure of evaluation and detection of parallelism", booktitle = "WAGA-90", editor = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan", pages = "61--75", year = 1990, month = Sep, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 461", annote = "compilacao, atributos, incremental, concurrencia" } @inproceedings{PSV92a, author = "M. Pennings and S.D. Swierstra and H.H. Vogt ", title = "Using {C}ached {F}unctions and {C}onstructors for {I}ncremental {A}ttribute {E}valuation", booktitle = "PLILP92: Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming", editor = "M. Bruynooghe and M. Wirsing", pages = "130--144", year = 1992, month = Aug, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 631", annote = "compilacao, atributos, incremental, concurrencia" } @techreport{SV91a, author = "S.D. Swierstra and H.H. Vogt ", title = "Higher Order Attribute Grammars, lecture notes of the {I}nt. {S}ummer {S}chool on {A}ttribute {G}rammars, {A}pplications and {S}ystems", year = 1991, month = Jun, type = "Technical Report", institution = "Dep. of Computer Science / Utrecht Univ.", number = "RUU-CS-91-14", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, geradores" } @techreport{VSK90a, author = "H.H. Vogt and S.D. Swierstra and M.F. Kuiper", title = "On the efficient incremental evaluation of {H}igher {O}rder {A}ttribute {G}rammars", year = 1990, month = Dec, type = "Research Report", institution = "Dep. of Computer Science / Utrecht Univ.", number = "RUU-CS-90-36", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, geradores" } @techreport{SV90a, author = "S.D. Swierstra and H.H. Vogt ", title = "Higher Order Attribute Grammars: a Merge between Functional and Object Oriented Programming", year = 1990, month = Mar, type = "Research Report", institution = "Dep. of Computer Science / Utrecht Univ.", number = "RUU-CS-90-12", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, prog funcional, oobjectos" } @article{VSK89a, author = "H.H. Vogt and S.D. Swierstra and M.F. Kuiper", title = "Higher Order Attribute Grammars", journal = "Communications of the ACM", year = 1989, month = "", pages = "131-145", publisher = acm, annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @unpublished{SFSE88a, author = "A. Sernadas and J. Fiadeiro and C. Sernadas and H.-D. Ehrich", title = "Abstract Object Types: A Temporal Perspective", year = 1988, note = "Depart. de Matematica, IST", annote = "programacao, oobjectos, especificacao formal" } @misc{SSCG90a, author = "A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas and J. F. Costa and P. Gouveia", title = "Oblog", year = 1990, month = Jan, howpublished = "Transparentes --- INESC/Lisboa", annote = "programacao oobjectos, especificacao formal" } @techreport{CSS89a, author = "J. F. Costa and A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas", title = "{OBL-89}: Manual do Utilizador", year = 1989, month = Jan, type = "Research Report", institution = "Instituto Superior Tecnico, INESC", number = "", annote = "programacao oobjectos, especificacao formal" } @techreport{CSS89b, author = "J. F. Costa and A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas", title = "{OBL-89}: User's Manual (version 2.3)", year = 1989, month = May, type = "Research Report", institution = "Instituto Superior Tecnico, INESC", number = "", annote = "programacao oobjectos, especificacao formal" } @inproceedings{Cos88b, author = "Ernesto Costa", title = "Elementos de {LISP}", booktitle = "Escola Avan\c{c}ada de Intelig\^encia Artificial", editor = "", year = 1988, month = Oct, publisher = "APPIA", annote = "inteligencia artificial, representacao conhecimento" } @inproceedings{Cos88a, author = "Ernesto Costa", title = "Aprendizagem: Conceitos, Estrat\'egias e Problemas", booktitle = "Escola Avan\c{c}ada de Intelig\^encia Artificial", editor = "", year = 1988, month = Oct, publisher = "APPIA", annote = "inteligencia artificial, representacao conhecimento" } @inproceedings{Coe88c, author = "Helder Coelho", title = "{PROLOG} {A}van\c{c}ado", booktitle = "Escola Avan\c{c}ada de Intelig\^encia Artificial", editor = "", year = 1988, month = Oct, publisher = "APPIA", annote = "inteligencia artificial, representacao conhecimento" } @inproceedings{Coe88b, author = "Helder Coelho", title = "Engenharia do {C}onhecimento {II}", booktitle = "Escola Avan\c{c}ada de Intelig\^encia Artificial", editor = "", year = 1988, month = Oct, publisher = "APPIA", annote = "inteligencia artificial, representacao conhecimento" } @inproceedings{Coe88a, author = "Helder Coelho", title = "Engenharia do {C}onhecimento {I}", booktitle = "Escola Avan\c{c}ada de Intelig\^encia Artificial", editor = "", year = 1988, month = Oct, publisher = "APPIA", annote = "inteligencia artificial, representacao conhecimento" } @inproceedings{MM88a, author = "Ernesto Morgado and J. Pav\~ao Martins ", title = "Representa\c{c}\~ao do {C}onhecimento ", booktitle = "Escola Avan\c{c}ada de Intelig\^encia Artificial", editor = "", year = 1988, month = Oct, publisher = "APPIA", annote = "inteligencia artificial, representacao conhecimento" } @inproceedings{Por88a, author = "Ant\'onio Porto", title = "Representa\c{c}\~ao de conhecimentos e programa\c{c}\~ao em l\'ogica", booktitle = "Escola Avan\c{c}ada de Intelig\^encia Artificial", editor = "", year = 1988, month = Oct, publisher = "APPIA", annote = "inteligencia artificial, representacao conhecimento" } @unpublished{MR87a, author = "Jose A. Mendes and Anne De Roeck", title = "Heuristic Grammar Annotations and Search Space Prunning: Support for Bi-Directional Parsing Strategies", year = 1987, note = "Depart. of Computer Science, Univ of Essex", annote = "chart parsing, sintaxe, linguagens, gramaticas" } @inproceedings{SR87a, author = "Sam Steel and Anne De Roeck", title = "Bi-Directional Chart Parsing", editor= "Hallam and Mellish", booktitle = "Advances in AI -- Proc. of the 1987 AISB Conference", pages = "", year = 1987, publisher = jw, annote = "chart parsing, sintaxe, linguagens, gramaticas" } @techreport{Men90a, author = "Jose A. Mendes", title = "Reconhecimento com {CHARTS}", year = 1990, month = Nov, type = "Research Report", institution = "Dep. Informatica, {UM/INESC}", number = "", annote = "chart parsing, sintaxe, linguagens, gramaticas" } @techreport{Men90b, author = "Jose A. Mendes", title = "Reconhecimento: Pesquisa e Estrategias", year = 1990, month = Dec, type = "Research Report", institution = "Dep. Informatica, {UM/INESC}", number = "", annote = "chart parsing, sintaxe, linguagens, gramaticas" } @techreport{Mat90a, author = "Gabriela A. Matos", title = "A Lingua Portuguesa no Projecto {EUROTRA}", type = "Research Report", year = 1990, institution = "Univ. of Tampere, Depart. of Computer Science", number = "", annote = "semantica, sintaxe, linguagem natural, gramaticas" } @article{BS88a, author = "Michael F. Barnsley and Alan D. Sloan", title = "A Better Way to Compress Images", journal = "BYTE", year = 1988, month = Jan, publisher = acm, annote = "processamento imagem, graficos, compactacao" } @inproceedings{HF88a, author = "Roman Hascoet and Joel Fumeron", title = "De l'Utilization de {Prolog} pour des applications \`a vocation industrielle", booktitle = "Programmation en Logique -- Actes du 7.\`eme S\'eminaire Tr\'egastel", editor = "S. Bourgault and M. Dincbas", pages = "279--294", year = 1988, month = May, publisher = "CNET - France Telecom ", annote = "prog logica" } @techreport{WG88a, author = "N. Wirth and J. Gutknecht", title = "The {OBERON} {S}ystem", type = "Research Report", year = 1988, month = Jul, institution = eth, annote = "linguagens, modularidade, OBERON" } @article{Wir88a, author = "N. Wirth", title = "The {P}rogramming {L}anguages {OBERON}", journal = "Software---Practice and Experience", pages = "671--690", year = 1988, month = Jul, volume = 18, number = 7, publisher = jws, annote = "programacao, linguagens, OBERON" } @article{Wir88b, author = "N. Wirth", title = "Type {E}xtensions", journal = "ACM Trans. Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS)", pages = "204--214", year = 1988, month = Apr, volume = 10, number = 2, publisher = acm, annote = "programacao, linguagens, OBERON" } @article{Wir88c, author = "N. Wirth", title = "From {M}odula to {OBERON}", journal = "Software---Practice and Experience", pages = "661--670", year = 1988, month = Jul, volume = 18, number = 7, publisher = jws, annote = "programacao, linguagens, OBERON" } @inproceedings{Alb91a, author = "Henk Alblas", title = "Introduction to Attribute Grammars", booktitle = "Int. Summer School on Attribute Grammars, Applications and Systems", editor = "H. Alblas and B. Melichar", pages = "1--15", year = 1991, month = Jun, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 545", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @inproceedings{Alb91b, author = "Henk Alblas", title = "Attribute Evaluation Methods", booktitle = "Int. Summer School on Attribute Grammars, Applications and Systems", editor = "H. Alblas and B. Melichar", pages = "48--113", year = 1991, month = Jun, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 545", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @inproceedings{Alb90a, author = "Henk Alblas", title = "Concurrent Incremental Attribute Evaluation", booktitle = "WAGA-90", editor = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan", pages = "343--358", year = 1990, month = Sep, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 461", annote = "compilacao, atributos, incremental, concurrencia" } @inproceedings{Vor90a, author = "Scott A. Vorthmann", title = "Coordinated Incremental Attribute Evaluation on a {DR}-threaded Tree", booktitle = "WAGA-90", editor = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan", pages = "207--221", year = 1990, month = Sep, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 461", annote = "compilacao, atributos, incremental" } @inproceedings{FKT90a, author = "An Feg and Tohru Kikuno and Koji Torii", title = "Incremental Attribute Evaluation for Multiple Subtree Replacements in Structure-oriented Environments", booktitle = "WAGA-90", editor = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan", pages = "192--206", year = 1990, month = Sep, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 461", annote = "compilacao, atributos, incremental" } @inproceedings{Pec90b, author = "Stephen Peckham", title = "Globally Partitionable Attribute Grammars", booktitle = "WAGA-90", editor = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan", pages = "327--342", year = 1990, month = Sep, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 461", annote = "compilacao, atributos, incremental, concurrencia" } @phdthesis{Pec90a, author = "Stephen Peckham", title = "Incremental Attribute Evaluation and Multiple Subtree Replacements", year = 1990, school = "Cornell University", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog" } @inproceedings{Hec88a, author = "Reinhold Heckmann", title = "A {F}unctional {L}anguage for the {S}pecification of {C}omplex {T}ree {T}ransformations", booktitle = "Proceedings of ESOP'88", editor = "H.Ganzinger", year = 1988, publisher = sv, note = "LNCS 300", annote = "compilacao, linguagens funcionais, transformacoes" } @inproceedings{NT90a, author = "Chisato Numaoka and Mario Tokoro", title = "Decentralized Parsing Method and Communicating Multiple Concurrent Objects", booktitle = "Proceedings of TOOLS'90", editor = "", year = 1990, pages="159--", publisher = "", annote = "compilacao, parsing, poo, concorrencia" } @manual{ObjVision91a, author = "", title = "Gu\'{\i}a de Referencia de {ObjectVision}", organization = "Borland", edition = "1.st", year = 1991, month = Jun, annote = "bases dados, arvores decisao, representacao conhecimento" } @manual{Motif89b, author = "", title = "{OSF}/{M}otif -- {P}rogrammers {R}eference {M}anual", organization = "{OSF}", edition = "1.st", year = 1989, month = "", annote = "xwindows, motif, interfaces" } @manual{Motif89a, author = "", title = "{OSF}/{M}otif -- {P}rogrammers {G}uide", organization = "{OSF}", edition = "1.st", year = 1989, month = "", annote = "xwindows, motif, interfaces" } @manual{XWindow89b, author = "J. McCormak and P. Asente and R. Swick", title = "{X} {T}oolkit {I}ntrinsics -- {C} {L}anguage {I}nterface", organization = "O'Reilly \& Associates", year = 1989, month = "", annote = "xwindows, interfaces" } @manual{XWindow89a, author = "", title = "{X}lib {P}rogramming {M}anual -- volume one", organization = "O'Reilly \& Associates", year = 1989, month = "", annote = "xwindows, interfaces" } @manual{Lisp90, author = "", title = "{S}un {C}ommon {L}isp 4.0 -- {M}aster {I}ndex", organization = "Sun Microsystems", edition = "1.st", year = 1990, month = "", annote = "prog funcional, linguagens" } @manual{Deb89a, author = "Saumya K. Debray", title = "The {SB-Prolog} System, version 3.1: A User Manual", organization = "Dep. of Computer Science / Univ. of Arizona", edition = "1.st", year = 1989, month = Dec, annote = "prog logica, linguagens" } @manual{Ari86a, author = "", title = "The {ARITY/Prolog} Programming Language", organization = "Arity Corporation", edition = "1.st", year = 1986, month = "", annote = "prog logica, linguagens" } @proceedings{SAGA91, title = "Attribute Grammars, Applications and Systems", editor = "H. Alblas and B. Melichar", organization = "Czech Technical University -- Prague", year = 1991, month = Jun, publisher = sv, note = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nu. 545", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @proceedings{WAGA90, title = "Attribute Grammars and their Applications", editor = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan", organization = "{INRIA}", year = 1990, month = Sep, publisher = sv, note = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nu. 461", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @proceedings{PLILP90, title = "Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming", editor = "P. Deransart and J. Maluszynski", year = 1990, month = Aug, publisher = sv, note = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nu. 456", annote = "compilacao, linguagens, prog logica" } @proceedings{ICLP91, title = "Advanced Logic Programming Tools and Formalisms for Language Processing", editor = "P. Saint-Dizier", year = 1991, month = Jun, publisher = "{INRIA}", note = "{ICLP'}91 Workshop", annote = "compilacao, linguagens, prog logica" } @misc{AXON91, author = "AXON/INESC", title = "Proposal for the {NOMOS NKRL}", year = 1991, month = Jan, howpublished = "Proposal for {ESPRIT} 5330, IN-22-50-01", annote = "espec formal, programacao oobjectos" } @BOOK{wirth:76, AUTHOR = "Niklaus Wirth", TITLE = "Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", ADDRESS = "Englewood Cliffs, N.J.", SERIES = "Automatic Computation", YEAR = 1976 } @incollection{courcelle:84, AUTHOR = "B. Courcelle", TITLE = "Attribute Grammars: Definitions, Analysis of Dependencies, Proof Methods", BOOKTITLE = "Methods and Tools for Compiler Construction", EDITOR = "B. Lorho", PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press", YEAR = 1984 } @incollection{doran:75, AUTHOR = "Robert W. Doran", TITLE = "Architecture of {S}tack {M}achines", BOOKTITLE = "High-Level Language Computer Architectures", EDITOR = "Yaohan Chu", PUBLISHER = "Academic Press", YEAR = 1975 } @incollection{engelfriet:84, AUTHOR = "J. Engelfriet", TITLE = "Attribute Grammars: Attribute Evaluation Methods", BOOKTITLE = "Methods and Tools for Compiler Construction", EDITOR = "B. Lorho", PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press", YEAR = 1984 } @misc{filliatre:2006, author = "Jean-Christophe Filliâtre", title = "Machine Virtuelle pour le Project de Compilation", year = 2006, institution = "LRI -- Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique (Université Paris Sud 11)", howpublished = "Authors' Web Page, \url{http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/index.fr.html}", annote = "maquina virtual, compilacao, geracao de codigo" } @Article{Heering00, author = "Jan Heering and Paul Klint", title = "Semantics of Programming Languages: A Tool-Oriented Approach", journal = "ACM Sigplan Notices", year = "2000", volume = "35", number = "3", pages = "39--48", month = mar } @article{MZLA99, author = "Marjan Mernik and Viljem Zumer and Mitja Lenic and Enis Avdicausevic", title = "Implementation of multiple attribute grammar inheritance in the tool LISA", journal="ACM SIGPLAN not.", year = 1999, volume = 34, month = "Jun.", number=6, pages="68-75", publisher="ACM" } @InProceedings{MLAZ00, author = {Marjan Mernik and Mitja Lenic and Enis Avdicausevic and Viljem Zumer}, title = {Compiler/Interpreter Generator System {LISA}}, booktitle = {IEEE Proceedings of 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences}, year = {2000} } @article{MZ03, author = "Marjan Mernik and Viljem Zumer", title = "An educational tool for teaching compiler construction", journal="IEEE Transactions on Education", year = 2003, volume = 46, number=1, pages="61-68", publisher="IEEE" } @TechReport{MHKVZ02, author = {Marjan Mernik and Pedro Henriques and Tomaz Kosar and Maria João Varanda and Viljem Zumer}, title = {Object-Oriented Attribute Grammar based Grammatical Approach to Problem Specification}, institution = {University of Minho}, year = {2002} } @Article{KMHVZ04, author = {Tomaz Kosar and Marjan Mernik and Pedro Henriques and Maria João Varanda and Viljem Zumer}, title = {Grammatical Approach to Problem Solving}, journal = {Informatica Journal}, volume = {28}, pages = {393-404}, year = {2004} } @InProceedings{HKMVZ03, author = {Pedro Henriques and Tomaz Kosar and Marjan Mernik and Maria João Varanda and Viljem Zumer}, title = {Grammatical Approach to Problem Solving}, booktitle = {ITI'03 - 25th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, Croacia}, publisher = {IEEE}, year = {2003}, month = {Jun.} } @InProceedings{VH01, author = {Maria João Varanda and Pedro Rangel Henriques}, title = {Visualization / Animation of Programs based on Abstract Representations and Formal Mappings}, booktitle = {HCC'01 - 2001 IEEE Symposia on Human-Centric Computing Languages and Environments}, publisher = {IEEE}, year = {2001}, month = {September} } @InProceedings{VH02, author = {Pedro Henriques and Maria João Varanda and Marjan Mernik and Mitja Lenic}, title = {Automatic Generation of Language-based Tools}, booktitle = {LDTA - Workshop on Language, Descriptions, Tools and Applications (ETAPS'02)}, year = {2002}, month = {April} } @InProceedings{VH03, author = {Maria João Varanda and Pedro Rangel Henriques}, title = {Visualization / Animation of Programs in Alma: obtaining different results}, booktitle = {VMSE2003 - Symposium on Visual and Multimedia Software Engineering (HCC'03), New Zealand}, publisher = {IEEE}, year = {2003}, editor = {}, month = {October} } @Article{HVMLGW05, author = {Pedro Henriques and Maria João Varanda and Marjan Mernik and Mitja Lenic and Jeff Gray and Hui Wu}, title = {Automatic Generation of Language-based Tools using LISA System}, journal ={IEE Software Journal}, year = {2005}, month = {April}, volume = {152}, number = {2}, pages = {54-70} } @Article{RMHV06, author = {Damijan Rebernak and Marjan Mernik and Pedro Rangel Henriques and Maria João Varanda}, title = {AspectLISA: an aspect-oriented compiler construction system based on attribute grammars}, journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS)}, editor = {J. Boyland and A. Sloane}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {2006}, month = {Oct}, volume = {164}, number = {2}, pages = {37-53} } @Article{RMHCV06, author = {Damijan Rebernak and Marjan Mernik and Pedro Rangel Henriques and Daniela da Cruz and Maria João Varanda}, title = {Specifying Languages using aspect-oriented approach: AspectLISA}, journal = {CIT -- Journal of Computing and Information Technology}, editor = {}, publisher = {}, year = {2006}, month = {Dec}, volume = {14}, number = {4}, pages = {343-350} } @InProceedings{RMHV06, author = {Damijan Rebernak and Marjan Mernik and Pedro Rangel Henriques and Maria João Varanda Pereira}, title = {AspectLISA: an aspect-oriented compiler construction system based on attribute grammars}, booktitle = { LDTA'06, Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications integrado no ETAPS'06 - European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software}, editor = {}, pages = {}, year = 2006, month = {Mar} } @InProceedings{RMHVC06, author = {Damijan Rebernak and Marjan Mernik and Pedro Rangel Henriques and Maria João Varanda Pereira and Daniela Cruz}, title = { Specifying Languages using Aspect-oriented Approach: AspectLISA}, booktitle = {ITI'06 - 28th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, Croacia}, publisher = {IEEE}, pages = {}, year = {2006}, month = "Jun." } @techreport{CH06c, author = {Daniela da Cruz and Pedro Rangel Henriques}, title = {Lavanda, an exercise with Attribute Grammars and a case-study to compare AG-based Compiler-Generators}, year = 2006, type = {CCTC Technical Report}, month = "Dec.", institution = "Dep.Inform\'atica / Univ. do Minho", number = "", note = {}, annote = "compilacao, ga, geradores de compiladores" } @techreport{CH07a, author = "Daniela da Cruz and Pedro Rangel Henriques", title = "{LISS} --- A Linguagem e o Compilador", year = 2007, type = "Relat\'orio Interno do {CCTC}", month = "Jan.", institution = "Dep.Inform\'atica / Univ. do Minho", number = "", note = {(to be published)}, annote = "compilacao, ga, geracao codigo, VM" } @InProceedings{CH06a, author = {Daniela da Cruz and Pedro Rangel Henriques}, title = {LISS --- Language, Compiler and Companion}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on Compiler Technologies for .Net (CTNET'07 - Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal)}, year = {2006}, editor = {}, month = {Mar.}, note = {(to be published)} } @Misc{CH06b, author = {Daniela da Cruz and Pedro Rangel Henriques}, title = {LISS Compiler Homepage}, howpublished = {http://www.di.uminho.pt/~gepl/LISS}, year = 2006 } @Misc{CH05a, author = {Daniela da Cruz and Pedro Rangel Henriques}, title = {LISS - Language of Integers, Sequences and Sets}, howpublished = {Talk to the gEPL, Dep. Inform\'atica / Univ. Minho}, year = 2005, month = {Oct.}, annote = "compilacao, ga, geracao codigo, VM" } %------------------------------------------------------------------ %2007-04-23 @techreport{Joh75a, author = "Stephen C. Johnson", title = "{YACC} Yet Another Compiler Compiler", type = {Computing Science Technical Report}, year = 1975, number = "CSTR32", institution = "Bell Laboratories -- Murray Hill, New Jersey", annote = "compilacao, geradores, parsing" } @techreport{LS75, author = {M. E. Lesk and E. Schmidt}, title = {Lex - A Lexical Analyzer Generator}, year = 1975, type = {Computing Science Technical Report}, month = "", institution = {Bell Laboratories -- Murray hill, New Jersey}, number = {39}, annote = "compilacao, , geracao compiladores, analise lexica" } @BOOK{LMB92, AUTHOR = "J.R. Levine and T. Mason and D. Brown", TITLE = "Lex \& Yacc", edition = "", PUBLISHER = "O'Reilly \& Associates Inc.", ADDRESS = "", SERIES = "Ed. Dale Dougherty", YEAR = 1992 } @Article{PQ95, author = {Terence Parr and Russell W. Quong}, title = {ANTLR: A Predicated-LL(K) Parser Generator}, journal = {Software Practice and Experience}, editor = {}, publisher = {}, year = {1995}, month = {July}, volume = {25}, number = {7}, pages = {789-810} } @Article{PQ96, author = {Terence Parr and Russell W. Quong}, title = {LL and LR Translator Need k}, journal = {SIGPLAN Notices}, editor = {}, publisher = {}, year = {1996}, month = {Feb.}, volume = {31}, number = {2}, pages = {} } @Misc{Par99, author = {Terence Parr}, title = {Practical Computer Language Recognition and Translation -- A guide for building source-to-source translators with ANTLR and Java}, howpublished = {http://www.antlr.org/book/index.html}, year = 1999 } @Misc{Par05, author = {Terence Parr}, title = {An Introduction To ANTLR}, howpublished = {http://www.cs.usfca.edu/~parrt/course/652/lectures/antlr.html}, year = 2005, month = "Jun." } %------------------------------------------------- %2007-04-30 @article{624963, author = {Sven Moen}, title = {Drawing Dynamic Trees}, journal = {IEEE Softw.}, volume = {7}, number = {4}, year = {1990}, issn = {0740-7459}, pages = {21--28}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/52.56447}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, } @misc{JGraph06, author = {JGraph}, title = {JGraph and JGraph Layout Pro User Manual}, year = {2006}, howpublished = {http://www.jgraph.com}, } @book{Craig06, author = "Iain D. Craig", title = "Virtual Machines", year = 2006, month = "", edition = "1.st", publisher = "Springer Verlag", annote = "Techniques to implement virtual machines" } @book{Chen06, author = "Chaomei Chen", title = "Information Visualization", year = 2006, month = "", edition = "2.nd", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", annote = "Description of Information Visualization Techniques" } %--------------------------------------- % 2007-07-20 **** @inproceedings{91978, author = {Donald E. Knuth}, title = {The genesis of attribute grammars}, booktitle = {WAGA: Proceedings of the international conference on Attribute grammars and their applications}, year = {1990}, isbn = {0-387-53101-7}, pages = {1--12}, location = {Paris, France}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @phdthesis{PRH92, author = "P. R. Henriques", title = "Atributos e modularidade na especificação de linguagens formais", year = 1992, school = "Universidade do Minho", annote = "" } @book{Terry05, author = "Pat Terry", title = "Compiling with C$\sharp$ and Java", year = 2005, month = "", edition = "1.nd", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", annote = "" } %******************* 2007-08-14 ** @book{Preiss99, author = "Bruno R. 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James Whitehead, Jr.}, title = {Bug Classification Using Program Slicing Metrics}, booktitle = {SCAM '06: Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation}, year = {2006}, isbn = {0-7695-2353-6}, pages = {31--42}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/SCAM.2006.6}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Washington, DC, USA}, } @article{10.1109/APSEC.2000.896710, author = {A. Cox and C. 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Henzinger and R. Jhala and R. Majumdar and G. Sutre", title = "Software verification with Blast", text = "Thomas A. Henzinger, Ranjit Jhala, Rupak Majumdar, and Gregoire Sutre. Software verification with Blast. In Tenth International Workshop on Model Checking of Software (SPIN), volume 2648 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 235--239. Springer-Verlag, 2003.", year = "2003", url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/henzinger03software.html" } @article{lazyabst02, abstract = {Abstract Blast is an automatic verification tool for checking temporal safety properties of C programs. Given a C program and a temporal safety property, Blast either statically proves that the program satisfies the safety property, or provides an execution path that exhibits a violation of the property (or, since the problem is undecidable, does not terminate). Blast constructs, explores, and refines abstractions of the program state space based on lazy predicate abstraction and interpolation-based predicate discovery. This paper gives an introduction to Blast and demonstrates, through two case studies, how it can be applied to program verification and test-case generation. In the first case study, we use Blast to statically prove memory safety for C programs. We use CCured, a type-based memory-safety analyzer, to annotate a program with run-time assertions that check for safe memory operations. Then, we use Blast to remove as many of the run-time checks as possible (by proving that these checks never fail), and to generate execution scenarios that violate the assertions for the remaining run-time checks. In our second case study, we use Blast to automatically generate test suites that guarantee full coverage with respect to a given predicate. Given a C program and a target predicate p, Blast determines the program locations q for which there exists a program execution that reaches q with p true, and automatically generates a set of test vectors that cause such executions. Our experiments show that Blast can provide automated, precise, and scalable analysis for C programs.}, author = {Beyer, Dirk and Henzinger, Thomas and Jhala, Ranjit and Majumdar, Rupak }, citeulike-article-id = {1871449}, doi = {10.1007/s10009-007-0044-z}, journal = {International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)}, keywords = {model\_checking, program\_verification, testing}, month = {October}, number = {5-6}, pages = {505--525}, posted-at = {2008-08-28 12:11:34}, priority = {0}, title = {The software model checker {B}last}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10009-007-0044-z}, volume = {9}, year = {2007} }