J. C. Campos
Uma abordagem formal à Engenharia da Usabilidade
In Simone D. J. Barbosa and Cleotilde Gonzalez, editors, CLIHC 2003 Conference Proceedings, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pages 17-28. ACM. 2003. (ISBN: 85-87926-05-5)


The quality of an interactive system can be measured in terms of its usability. Empirical approaches to usability evaluation attempt to assess the system under real usage conditions. This type of approach can be very expensive. Analytical approaches have been proposed as a means of reasoning about usability issues from early in development. These approaches use models to focus the analysis in specific usability issues. In this context, the application of (mathematically) formal notations and tools has been proposed. This paper presents a formal approach to the analysis of interactive systems. The analysis can be carried out taking into account all possible behaviours of the device, or it can be guided by the tasks the device is supposed to support.

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 author = {J. C. Campos},
 title = {Uma abordagem formal à Engenharia da Usabilidade},
 booktitle = {CLIHC 2003 Conference Proceedings},
 year = {2003},
 editor = {Simone D. J. Barbosa and Cleotilde Gonzalez},
 series = {ACM International Conference Proceeding Series},
 pages = {17-28},
 address = {Rio de Janeiro, Brasil},
 month = {August},
 publisher = {ACM},
 note = {ISBN: 85-87926-05-5},
 doi = {10.1145/944519.944522},
 abstract = {The quality of an interactive system can be measured in terms of its usability. Empirical approaches to usability evaluation attempt to assess the system under real usage conditions. This type of approach can be very expensive. Analytical approaches have been proposed as a means of reasoning about usability issues from early in development. These approaches use models to focus the analysis in specific usability issues. In this context, the application of (mathematically) formal notations and tools has been proposed. This paper presents a formal approach to the analysis of interactive systems. The analysis can be carried out taking into account all possible behaviours of the device, or it can be guided by the tasks the device is supposed to support.}

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